IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

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TO SEE<strong>de</strong>scubraA2Casebres<strong>IN</strong> &<strong>OUT</strong>1409MonteNovo-PalmaAlberge01 10SantaSusana<strong>de</strong>scubraTO SEEComportaEstradasÓBIDOSAlcácer do Sal é um concelho com um patrimónioriquíssimo.A nível <strong>de</strong> arquitectura, <strong>de</strong>staca-se o castelo <strong>de</strong> Alcácer,o Santuário do Senhor dos Mártires, a Capela das OnzeMil Virgens e a Igreja <strong>de</strong> Santiago. Em Torrão,vale a pena conhecer o Solar dos Viscon<strong>de</strong>s — uma mistura<strong>de</strong> arquitectura pombalina com a estrutura do barrocoaristocrata do século XVIII.Do enorme património arqueológico, sem sair da Pousada,visite, o Núcleo Museológico do Castelo <strong>de</strong> Alcácer.Do património etnográfico, conheça os galeões do sal —os barcos tradicionais do Sado, únicos no mundo,que celebram a importância do sal na história <strong>de</strong> Alcácerquando era consi<strong>de</strong>rado o “ouro branco”.Auto-EstradasRiosAfluentesCarvalhalSines13ALCÁCERDO SALA2CasalinhoSapalinhoMonte daCasa BrancaBairro dasMajapoasRio <strong>de</strong>MoínhosTorrão0212saboreieTO EATAlcácer do Sal is a council with an extremely rich heritage.At an architectural level, the Alcácer Castle, the Senhor dosMártires Sanctuary, the Onze Mil Virgens Chapel andthe Santiago church stand out. In Torrão, it is worth visitingthe “Solar dos Viscon<strong>de</strong>s” — a mixture of “Pombal” stylewith the structure of 18th-century aristocratic Baroque.Without leaving the Pousada, visit the Museum Centreof the Alcácer Castle, of an enormous archaeologicalimportance. You can also visit the “salt galleons”,the traditional, and unique in the world, boats of the SadoRiver, with an enormous ethnographic value; an importantelement in the history of Alcácer, when salt was regar<strong>de</strong>das “white gold”.IC 104080706031105Bairro doVenâncioALCÁCERDO SALBairro doLaranjalFoz

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