IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

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<strong>IN</strong>Entre sobreiros e azinheiras <strong>de</strong> um lado, e a Vila Branca(conhecida pelos tapetes <strong>de</strong> Arraiolos) do outro, encontra-sea Pousada <strong>de</strong> Arraiolos — antigo Convento <strong>de</strong> Nossa Senhora<strong>de</strong> Assunção (séc. XVI), que impressiona <strong>de</strong>vido aos seusamplos claustros e piscina sobre o Vale das Flores.Projectada pelo arquitecto José Paulo dos Santos,a Pousada concilia a austerida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> um convento comas actuais exigências <strong>de</strong> conforto e <strong>de</strong>sign.Deixe-se invadir pela imensidão <strong>de</strong> cores, sabores e segredosdo convento quinhentista, <strong>de</strong>sfrutando também da serenida<strong>de</strong>característica do Alentejo.With hills full of cork and holmoaks on one si<strong>de</strong> and the whitevillage (known for its hand-embroi<strong>de</strong>red Arraiolos carpets)on the other si<strong>de</strong> — this is how the horizon can be seen fromthe windows of the Convent of Nossa Senhora da Assunção,which dominates the Vale das Flores (Valley of Flowers),within walking distance of Arraiolos.With the restoration of a sixteenth-century convent,the Pousada of Arraiolos impresses with its large cloistersand its swimming pool with a view to the valley. It is a perfectexample of the balance between tradition and the latest trendsin architecture, harmonizing the austerity of a convent withtoday’s requirements for comfort, projected by the architectJosé Paulo dos Santos.Relax amidst the serenity of the airs of the Alentejo region,lose yourself among the poppies and marigolds of the Valedas Flores (Valley of Flowers) and let yourself get carried awayby the immensity of colors, flavours and secrets of this16th century convent that brims with luxuries and legends.Piscina | Swimming Pool

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