IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

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TO SEE CENTRO HISTÓRICO - PATRIMÓNIO MUNDIAL DA UNESCO &<strong>de</strong>scubraA Torre dos Clérigos é o ícone da cida<strong>de</strong> — obra barrocada autoria <strong>de</strong> Nicolau Nasoni — mas é apenas um ponto<strong>de</strong> partida para <strong>de</strong>scobrir tantos outros monumentos aliem redor. Ao fundo da rua, a Estação <strong>de</strong> S. Bento, célebrepelos seus painéis <strong>de</strong> azulejos históricos. Mesmo ao lado,a ca<strong>de</strong>ia da Relação (on<strong>de</strong> funciona o Centro Português<strong>de</strong> Fotografia) e o Mosteiro <strong>de</strong> S. Bento da Vitória, e <strong>de</strong>scendoa rua, o Palácio da Bolsa e a Or<strong>de</strong>m Terceira <strong>de</strong> S. Francisco,on<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong>m observar-se obras <strong>de</strong> pintura, escultura, ourivesariae mobiliário. De volta à Cordoaria, a Livraria Lello, as igrejasdo Carmo e das Carmelitas chamam a atenção. Ao lado,na Pena Ventosa, a Catedral da Sé, o Convento <strong>de</strong> Santa Clarae a Muralha Fernandina,dominam as atenções. Há ainda maispara visitar num raio <strong>de</strong> apenas alguns quilómetros a pé:o Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, o Museu do Vinhodo Porto e a Casa do Infante.<strong>IN</strong><strong>OUT</strong><strong>de</strong>scubraTO SEEsaboreieTO EATHISTORIC CENTRE – UNESCO WORLD HERITAGEThe “Torre dos Clérigos” (Tower of Clerics) is an icon of the city— a baroque tower by Nicolau Nasoni. It is the starting pointto discover many other nearby monuments. At the end of theroad, the S. Bento Station is famous for its panels with historicglazedtiles. Close to it are the “ca<strong>de</strong>ia da Relação” (where thePortuguese Centre of Photography is located) and the S. Bentoda Vitória Monastery; <strong>de</strong>scending the road, the Stock ExchangePalace and the “Or<strong>de</strong>m Terceira <strong>de</strong> S. Francisco”, where visitorscan admire paintings, sculptures, jewelry and furniture.Back to Cordoaria, the Lello Library and the Carmo andCarmelitas churches will attract the traveler’s attention. Closeto the “Pena Ventosa”, the Cathedral, the Santa Clara Conventand the “Fernandina” City Wall are the most distinctive features.There is so much more to see within a range of only a fewkilometers by foot: The National Soares dos Reis Museum,the Port Wine Museum and the “Casa do Infante”.Torre dos Clérigos | Clérigos Church

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