IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

IN OUT - Pousadas de Portugal

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Os Jardinsdo Palácio sãotestemunho do empreen<strong>de</strong>dorismo<strong>de</strong> D. Pedro e do génio artístico<strong>de</strong> Jean-Baptiste Robillion.The Palatial Gar<strong>de</strong>ns are thetestimony of the entrepreneurshipof King Pedro and the artisticgenius of Jean-BaptisteRobillion.<strong>OUT</strong>Queluz é uma cida<strong>de</strong> privilegiada pela localização, estandoa 5Km <strong>de</strong> Lisboa, 14Km <strong>de</strong> Sintra e 20Km <strong>de</strong> Cascais — trêslocalida<strong>de</strong>s com um património e pontos <strong>de</strong> interesse turísticosessenciais na visita à Área Metropolitana <strong>de</strong> Lisboa.Esta é uma região do país “abençoada” pelo clima,maioritariamente solarengo durante todo o ano, inclusiveno pico do Inverno.Nestes três concelhos encontrará um enorme e extraordinárioleque <strong>de</strong> activida<strong>de</strong>s e locais a visitar, todos com paisagensencantadoras on<strong>de</strong> o rio ou o mar estão sempre presentes.Quando o tempo quente começa a surgir, os banhistaspioneiros ocupam os tempos livres nas belíssimas praias quecircundama região. Nos fins <strong>de</strong> tar<strong>de</strong>, da costa <strong>de</strong> Sintra à margem doTejo em Lisboa, passando pela linha <strong>de</strong> Cascais-Oeiras, <strong>de</strong>sfruteda diversida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> restaurantes, bares e esplanadas à beira marou em zonas ribeirinhas.experimenteTO DO<strong>de</strong>scubraTO SEEsaboreieTO EATQueluz is a privileged city for its location, a mere 5Km fromLisbon, 14Km from Sintra and 20Km from Cascais – three citieswith a heritage and essential points of touristic interest in theMetropolitan Area of Lisbon.This region is “blessed” by the climate, mostly sunny,even during the winter peak.In these three cities you will find an extraordinary varietyof activities and places to visit, all of them with charminglandscapes where the river and the sea are always present.As soon as it gets warm, the first bathers spend their leisuretime on the very beautiful beaches of the region.By the evening, from Sintra to the banks of the Tagus Riverin Lisbon and the Cascais-Oeiras line, enjoy the large varietyof restaurants, bars and terraces at the seafront or on the banksof the river.Jardins do Palácio <strong>de</strong> Queluz | Gar<strong>de</strong>ns of the Palace

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