ハイビジョンと映画のメディアミックス に関する研究 - 電気通信大学学術 ...

ハイビジョンと映画のメディアミックス に関する研究 - 電気通信大学学術 ...

ハイビジョンと映画のメディアミックス に関する研究 - 電気通信大学学術 ...

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A study on Media Mix development of HDTV and MovieTakehisa IshidaAbstactThis paper outlines research relating to the development of video mediawhich has achieved great success synergizing HDTV and Movie (we call“media mix development” that kind of development synergizing more thantwo media), which are two types of media that originally had differingbackgrounds and characteristics. Mixing both media types has achievedcontent production results such as new production techniques,nonconventional and innovative visual imagery, and revised workflows. Inaddition, mixing both media types has technically revolutionized contentdelivery and projection methods, causing a large impact on screening andperformance aspects in the Movie industry. Based on a large number ofpractical case studies, this paper specifically examines and discussesvarious “content production” and “content delivery” problems thatarose and effects that were achieved when HDTV and Movie media mixing wascarried out.In order to discuss these issues, this paper first studies the type of relationshipbetween HDTV and Movie prior to the media mix of both media types started. Then, thediverse kinds of equipment needed to media mix of both media are examined, lookingat, for example, how HDTV and film converters have been developed. A wide varietyof technical problems that arise in the media mix process are also examined, suchas the varying aspect ratio and differing number of images per second between HDTVand film. In addition, other issues that will be examined and discussed, drawing ona large number of practical case studies, include a look at how the wide variety oftechnology and knowledge developed and accumulated through the media mix of HDTV andMovie have influenced and been put to use in the expansion of video media driven bythe rapid advancement of digitalization. Lastly, this paper will discuss and lookto the future of video media development..

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