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its Discontents. The Standard Edition of the<br />

Complete Works of Sigmund Freud, 24 volumes,<br />

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the Institute of Psychoanalysis, London 1953-74.,<br />

59-145.<br />

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end of capitalism or the end of the world. Londra:<br />

Zed Books.<br />

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Dodds, J. (2011). Psychoanalysis and ecology<br />

at the edge of chaos. Londra: Routledge.<br />

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Freud, S. (1919). The uncanny. J. Strachey<br />

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Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud<br />

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Freud, S., Einstein, A. (1933). Why war? J.<br />

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the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund<br />

Freud (Cilt 22) içinde, (s. 195-216). Londra: The<br />

Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-analysis.<br />

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