18.09.2022 Aufrufe

CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.4

Die Verschmutzung des Planeten findet aber auch im Kleinen statt und betrifft uns ganz direkt. Denn täglich nehmen wir unzählige Gifte durch die Nahrung, Kosmetik oder Alltagsgegenstände in uns auf. Welches sind die größten Gefahren und wie kann man sich im Alltag davor schützen?

Die Verschmutzung des Planeten findet aber auch im Kleinen statt und betrifft uns ganz direkt. Denn täglich nehmen wir unzählige Gifte durch die Nahrung, Kosmetik oder Alltagsgegenstände in uns auf. Welches sind die größten Gefahren und wie kann man sich im Alltag davor schützen?


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Foto: beaubelle_stock.adobe.com<br />

debate about racism. If you start with yourself,<br />

by acknowledging your own part in it, you can<br />

face yourself and others openly. Then we can<br />

work together to be less racist.“<br />


Such internal discourses are painful because<br />

you make yourself vulnerable and have to rethink<br />

things. But experiencing racism first hand<br />

is actually dangerous in the long run. Numerous<br />

studies suggest that there is a direct link<br />

between racism, disease and even mortality.<br />

It is certainly easier to ignore the whole thing.<br />

But if you hurt people with racism, make them<br />

sick or even contribute to the death of individuals,<br />

this discourse is inevitable.<br />


US THE WAY<br />

As a community, we owe it to ourselves to have<br />

this honest discussion. Not least to do justice to<br />

one of our greatest heroes. The sex researcher<br />

Magnus Hirschfeld is considered to be the first<br />

to use the term in his book „Racism“ in 1934.<br />

Hirschfeld‘s aim was to examine and ultimately<br />

refute the racial theories propagated by Hitler<br />

at the time. As a Jew and homosexual, he was<br />

persecuted by the Nazis and beaten up by<br />

members of the Völkisch movement as early as<br />

1920. His Institute for Sexology was destroyed in<br />

1933 and he went into exile in France, where he<br />

died in 1935.<br />

The persecution of homosexuals during<br />

the Holocaust was a direct result of Nazi<br />

racial madness. Homosexuals who were<br />

imprisoned in concentration camps had<br />

to wear a patch with the „pink triangle“<br />

on the left side of the chest on their<br />

prisoners‘ clothing.<br />

It is estimated that around 50,000 men were<br />

convicted of homosexuality during the Nazi era.<br />

Some sources assume that up to 15,000 of them<br />

were deported to concentration camps and<br />

that up to 60 percent of them were murdered<br />

there. Inequality and prejudice are a part of our<br />

history. Fighting solely for our equality is not<br />

enough-- a fight for LGBTQI* equality must also<br />

include a fight for racial equality. (ts)<br />


Kur<strong>für</strong>stenstraße 31/32, 10785 Berlin<br />

www.queermatters.org<br />

<strong>CHECK</strong> | AUSGABE 4<br />


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