18.09.2022 Aufrufe

CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.4

Die Verschmutzung des Planeten findet aber auch im Kleinen statt und betrifft uns ganz direkt. Denn täglich nehmen wir unzählige Gifte durch die Nahrung, Kosmetik oder Alltagsgegenstände in uns auf. Welches sind die größten Gefahren und wie kann man sich im Alltag davor schützen?

Die Verschmutzung des Planeten findet aber auch im Kleinen statt und betrifft uns ganz direkt. Denn täglich nehmen wir unzählige Gifte durch die Nahrung, Kosmetik oder Alltagsgegenstände in uns auf. Welches sind die größten Gefahren und wie kann man sich im Alltag davor schützen?


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NOW?<br />

Especially during lockdown, the only way for many<br />

people to stay in contact with the outside world is the<br />

smartphone. In order to avoid a COVID-19 infection,<br />

compulsive loneliness may be safer at the moment<br />

than meeting in person as usual. But life in the digital<br />

universe is definitely not healthy.<br />

Foto: Nadia Snopek_stock.adobe.com<br />

Even if it doesn‘t look like it at first, this, hopefully<br />

the last, lockdown for the time being, is a good<br />

time to rethink digital habits. - Find out why here.<br />


Does this sound familiar? You lie in bed in the<br />

evening, a film is on TV or on your tablet and you<br />

write emails or browse social media at the same<br />

time. But eventually, when you finally switch off<br />

all devices, you somehow cannot sleep properly.<br />

A study by the Lighting Research Center (LRC)<br />

at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the US<br />

shows that two hours of light from cell phone<br />

or tablet displays lower the melatonin level by<br />

22 percent. The hormone melatonin is normally<br />

released at night and ensures that the body is<br />

put into „sleep mode“.<br />


Excessive use of digital devices has a direct impact<br />

on your health. Who hasn‘t had a headache<br />

or neck pain after hunching over and staring at<br />

a screen all day? A digital detox helps to break<br />

such habits.<br />


We can be reached at any time with digital<br />

devices. But sometimes we need a break and<br />

time just for ourselves. It is important to take<br />

such breaks in order to hear yourself think again,<br />

to listen to your own breathing, and to properly<br />

reconnect your body and mind. We can also clear<br />

up many of our problems and negative thoughts<br />

in a dialogue with ourselves. So turn off the<br />

phone and listen!<br />


Overuse of technology makes us lazy and immobile.<br />

We spend a long time in front of a screen or<br />

looking at a smartphone when we could also go<br />

for a walk or a yoga zoom class. It‘s also digital,<br />

but at least you‘re doing something good for<br />

yourself. There‘s not much else you can do at the<br />

moment, but wouldn‘t it be great if you‘re fit and<br />

trained after the lockdown?<br />


Many digital devices, apps and services are<br />

fun and make our lives easier. And used in<br />

moderation, the technological achievement of<br />

digitization immensely enriches us. It only becomes<br />

a problem when you can no longer control<br />

the use of digital devices and media. Similar to<br />

a cigarette, alcohol, drug or gambling addiction,<br />

digital addiction is creeping. For example, when<br />

you unconsciously pick up your cell phone more<br />

and more often, although you don‘t want to or<br />

have to. Or when you can no longer concentrate<br />

because you are constantly being distracted by<br />

digital impulses. In such a case, a digital detox is<br />

certainly a good idea. (ts,sw)<br />

78 <strong>CHECK</strong> | AUSGABE 4

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