10.02.2013 Aufrufe

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herunterladen... - Morningstar

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7<br />

Traditional Asset Allocation Framework in Accumulation<br />

Financial Capital<br />

8<br />

Expected Return<br />

Financial<br />

Wealth<br />

Asset<br />

Allocation<br />

Risk Tolerance<br />

Time Horizon<br />

Liquidity<br />

Taxes<br />

However, a significant asset was missing…<br />

Human Capital<br />

Human Capital<br />

MVO Efficient Frontier<br />

Individual Assets<br />

Standard Deviation<br />

Select portfolio on the efficient frontier<br />

× Human capital is the actuarial PV of future labor income<br />

× Directly affects one’s capacity to take on risk with one’s<br />

financial capital<br />

× Human capital is used to fund:<br />

× Current expenses<br />

× Retirement savings<br />

Direct contributions to portfolio<br />

Defined contribution (match)<br />

Defined benefit<br />

Social Security<br />

7<br />


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