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124 CHAPTER 6 Authentication and basic authorization<br />

In this step definition, you use Cucumber’s table format again to specify more than<br />

one user to create. To get to these attributes, iterate through table.hashes, storing<br />

each set of attributes as attributes for each iteration. Inside the iteration, the<br />

create! method creates the user record using these attributes. All of this should look<br />

pretty familiar—you used it to create tickets for a project.<br />

The second step in this scenario is provided by the email_spec gem, and it fails<br />

when you run bin/cucumber features/signing_in.feature again:<br />

And "user@ticketee.com" opens the email with subject "Confirmation<br />

➥instructions"<br />

Could not find email With subject "Confirmation instructions".<br />

Found the following emails:<br />

[]<br />

This is email_spec telling you it can’t find an email with the title “Confirmation<br />

instructions,” which is what Devise would send out if you had told it you wanted users<br />

to be confirmable. You haven’t yet done this, so no emails are being sent.<br />

To make users confirmable, add the :confirmable symbol at the end of the<br />

devise call in app/models/user.rb:<br />

devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,<br />

:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable,<br />

:validatable, :confirmable<br />

Now Devise will send confirmation emails when users sign up. When you run bin/<br />

cucumber features/signing_in.feature again, your first step is failing:<br />

Given there are the following users:<br />

| email | password | unconfirmed |<br />

| user@ticketee.com | password | true |<br />

undefined local variable or method 'confirmed_at' for #<br />

The confirmed_at attribute is used by Devise to determine whether or not a user has<br />

confirmed their account. By default, this attribute is nil, indicating the user hasn’t<br />

confirmed yet. The attribute doesn’t exist at the moment, so you get this error.<br />

You could add this attribute to the existing db/migrate/[timestamp]<br />

_devise_create_users.rb migration, but because you already pushed that migration, you<br />

should avoid changing it, as others will have to rerun the migration to get those<br />

changes. Even though it’s just you working on the project at the moment, it’s a good<br />

rule of thumb to not modify migrations that have already been pushed.<br />

Instead, create a new migration to add the confirmed_at field and two others,<br />

confirmation_token and confirmation_sent_at. The confirmation_token is generated<br />

by Devise and used to identify users attempting to confirm their account when<br />

they click the confirmation link from the email. The confirmation_sent_at field is<br />

used also by Devise and tracks the time when the confirmation email was sent:<br />

rails g migration add_confirmable_fields_to_users<br />

Let’s now open this migration and put the code from the following listing inside it.

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