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358 CHAPTER 13 Designing an API<br />

Booyah, it works! How about bin/rspec spec/api/v1/projects_spec.rb too?<br />

1 example, 0 failures<br />

All green there too, and so it’s definitely time to do a commit now. You should run the<br />

customary checks before you commit by running rake cucumber:ok spec:<br />

63 scenarios (63 passed)<br />

732 steps (732 passed)<br />

# and<br />

43 examples, 0 failures, 19 pending<br />

Great! Everything’s still green. From now on you will only run the spec tests, because<br />

all you are going to be changing is the API, which will not impact anything that the features<br />

test. At the end of the chapter, you’ll run it again to make sure that nothing is<br />

broken. Commit and push the changes that you’ve made:<br />

git add .<br />

git commit -m "Implemented token-based authentication API base"<br />

git push<br />

You’ve begun to implement the API now, and you’ve got the /api/v1/projects URL<br />

returning a list of the projects that a user can see. To check what user this is, you’ve<br />

implemented a basic token authentication using functionality built in to Devise.<br />

There’s still a little way to go before you’re done with the API. For starters, this API<br />

only serves JSON requests, and some people who use it may wish for the data to be<br />

returned in XML. You’ve also only got the one action in your controller, and you need<br />

to implement a way for people to create, update, and delete projects through the API.<br />

Before you do that, you’ll add in support for XML. This is incredibly easy to implement,<br />

as you’ll soon see.<br />

13.1.5 Serving XML<br />

So far, you’ve been using the respond_with and respond_to methods to serve JSON<br />

responses. You can serve XML using these same methods while continuing to serve<br />

JSON. It’s very, very easy. First of all, you’re going to want to create a test to make sure<br />

that your new XML data is being returned correctly. You’ll place this test in the index<br />

context for “projects viewable by this user” in spec/api/v1/projects_spec.rb using the<br />

code from the following listing.<br />

Listing 13.7 spec/api/v1/projects_spec.rb<br />

it "XML" do<br />

get "#{url}.xml", :token => token<br />

last_response.body.should eql(Project.readable_by(user).to_xml)<br />

projects = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)<br />

projects.css("project name").text.should eql("Ticketee")<br />

end<br />

In this spec you use the nokogiri gem to parse the XML (in chapter 6, you used it to<br />

parse HTML). Then you use the css method to find an element called name inside

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