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Sending ticket notifications<br />

The template is the final part for your feature: yay! When you run bin/cucumber<br />

features/ticket_notifications.feature, you see that it’s now all passing:<br />

1 scenario (1 passed)<br />

18 steps (18 passed)<br />

When the email is opened for this final time, you see that it has the content you’re<br />

looking for:<br />

Hello!<br />

bob@ticketee.com has just updated the Release date ticket for TextMate 2.<br />

➥They wrote:<br />

Is it out yet?<br />

You can view this ticket online by going to:<br />

➥http://localhost:3000/projects/1/tickets/1<br />

You’ve done quite a lot to get this little simple feature to pass.<br />

In the beginning you created an observer called CommentObserver, which watches<br />

the Comment model for any specific changes. You defined an after_create method on<br />

this, which took the comment object that was being updated and then called Notifier<br />

.comment_updated, passing along the comment object.<br />

Notifier is an Action Mailer class that is responsible for sending out emails to the<br />

users of your application, and in this file you defined the comment_updated method<br />

called in your CommentObserver and set the recipients up to use the comment<br />

object’s related ticket watchers.<br />

To define the watchers method, you used a has_and_belongs_to_many join table<br />

again. Your first experience using these was back in chapter 10, when you linked the<br />

Ticket and Tag models by setting one up on both of them. Back then, you used the<br />

tags_tickets table to link the two. This is the default naming schema of a has_and<br />

_belongs_to_many join table in Rails. In the case of your ticket watchers, however,<br />

your method was called watchers, and so would look for a class called Watcher to<br />

determine where it should find your watchers. This was incorrect, so you told your<br />

association that your join table should be ticket_watchers and that the related<br />

model was User, not Watcher. You used the :join_table and :class_name methods<br />

for this.<br />

Finally, you defined the template for the comment_updated email at app/views/<br />

notifier/comment_updated.html.erb and filled it with the content you’re expecting to<br />

see, including the link that you click to complete the final step of your scenario.<br />

This scenario completes the first steps of sending email notifications to your users.<br />

You should now run all your tests to make sure you didn’t break anything by running<br />

rake cucumber:ok spec:<br />

60 scenarios (60 passed)<br />

676 steps (676 passed)<br />

# and<br />

40 examples, 0 failures, 19 pending<br />


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