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250 CHAPTER 10 Tracking state<br />

end<br />

@ticket = Ticket.find(params[:ticket_id])<br />

end<br />

In this action you use the template option of render when your @comment.save<br />

returns false to render a template of another controller. Previously you’ve used the<br />

action option to render templates that are for the current controller. By doing this,<br />

the @ticket and @comment objects will be available when the app/views/tickets/<br />

show.html.erb template is rendered.<br />

If the object saves successfully you redirect back to the ticket’s page by passing an<br />

Array argument to redirect_to B, which compiles the path from the arguments<br />

passed in, like form_for does to a nested route similar to /projects/1/tickets/2.<br />

But if the object doesn’t save successfully you want it to render the template that<br />

TicketsController’s show action renders. You can do this by using the render<br />

method and passing it "tickets/show" C. Keep in mind that the render method<br />

doesn’t call the action, and so any code within the show method of TicketsController<br />

wouldn’t be run. This is fine, though, because you’re setting up the @ticket variable<br />

the template renders by using the find_ticket before filter in your controller.<br />

By creating the controller, you’ve now got all the important parts needed to create<br />

comments. Let’s run this feature again by running bin/cucumber features/creating<br />

_comments.feature to see how you’re progressing. You see that it’s able to create the<br />

comment but it’s unable to find the text within the #comments element on the page:<br />

Then I should see "Added a comment!" within "#comments"<br />

Unable to find css "#comments" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)<br />

This step is failing because you haven’t added the element with the id attribute of<br />

comments to the show template yet. This element will contain all the comments for a<br />

ticket. Let’s add it by entering the code from the following listing above the spot<br />

where you render the comment form partial.<br />

Listing 10.7 app/views/tickets/show.html.erb<br />

Comments<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

There are no comments for this ticket.<br />

<br />

<br />

Here you create the element the scenario requires: one with an id attribute of<br />

comments. In this you check if there are no comments by using the exists? method<br />

from Active Record. This will do a light query similar to this to check if there are any<br />

comments:<br />

SELECT "comments"."id" FROM "comments"<br />

WHERE ("comments".ticket_id = 1) LIMIT 1

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