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Versioning an API<br />

last_response.body.should eql(body)<br />

projects = Nokogiri::XML(last_response.body)<br />

projects.css("project title").text.should eql("Ticketee")<br />

projects.css("project name").text.should eql("")<br />

end<br />

When you run this test using bin/rspec spec/api/v2/projects_spec.rb, it’s broken:<br />

Failure/Error: last_response.body.should eql(body)<br />

expected "[{[ticket hash without name key]}]"<br />

got "[{[ticket hash with name key]}]"<br />

This is because the name field is still being returned by your API. To exclude this field<br />

from your API, you can use the :except option to respond_with calls. In app/<br />

controllers/api/v2/projects_controller.rb the index method can now be altered to this:<br />

def index<br />

projects = Project.readable_by(current_user)<br />

respond_with(projects, :except => :name, :methods => :title)<br />

end<br />

The :except option here will exclude the name field from the responses provided by<br />

this API, and the methods option will call the title method (you’ll define it in a<br />

moment), providing that in your API response. You still need to have the name field in<br />

your database because it’s used in quite a few places in your application. You could<br />

change it all now, but this example is purely to show off the :except option and API<br />

versioning. A change like that would be recommended over this example, however it’s<br />

best left as another exercise for you.<br />

To make your API respond with the title method, you need to define it in app/<br />

models/project.rb inside the Project class like this:<br />

def title<br />

name<br />

end<br />

Now when you run bin/rspec spec/api/v2/projects_spec.rb, the tests that you<br />

edited will pass:<br />

8 examples, 0 failures<br />

You’ve seen how you can generate a new version of your API and alter the output of it,<br />

and the text says that your original API (v1) shouldn’t be effected, but was it? A great<br />

way to check is a quick run of bin/rspec spec/api/v1:<br />

15 examples, 0 failures<br />

Great, that’s all working! A quick run of rake spec will confirm your suspicions that<br />

nothing is broken:<br />

71 examples, 0 failures, 18 pending<br />

Awesome stuff. Let’s make a new commit:<br />

git add .<br />

git commit -m "Implement v2 of the API,<br />


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