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390 CHAPTER 14 Deployment<br />

rvm group, which is a group created by the installation of RVM. To add your current<br />

user to this group, run this command:<br />

sudo usermod -a -G rvm user<br />

The -a option here tells the command to append some groups to the list of groups<br />

that the user is in, and the -G option (like you saw before with useradd) specifies the<br />

group. You specify your username on the end of this command, telling it who you<br />

want this new group applied to.<br />

To make the rvm command effective for all users, add a line to /etc/profile. Whenever<br />

new terminal sessions are launched, this file is read and run. Put a line in it using<br />

these commands:<br />

sudo su<br />

echo 'source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"' >> /etc/profile<br />

exit<br />

The source command here will load the/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm file for each user<br />

whenever they start a new session. To make this change effective for the current session,<br />

exit out of your terminal and log back in. Once back in, you should be able to<br />

run rvm and have it output the help information.<br />

If that’s the case, then you are now ready to install Ruby.<br />

14.2.2 Installing Ruby<br />

Ruby 1.9.2 is considered the latest stable version of Ruby (at least, as of this writing).<br />

By installing it, you’re on your way to being able to run your Rails application on this<br />

server. To install this version of Ruby, run this command:<br />

rvm install 1.9.2<br />

This command will take some time to run as it needs to download, compile, and then<br />

install Ruby. To switch to using this Ruby, use this command:<br />

rvm use 1.9.2<br />

When you type ruby -v into the terminal, you should see something like this:<br />

ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [i686-linux]<br />

The value may be different, but as long as it begins with ruby 1.9.2, you know that<br />

you’ve got the right Ruby version installed. To make this the default version of Ruby<br />

for your user, run the rvm use command again, but pass in an option:<br />

rvm use --default 1.9.2<br />

Now every time that you log in to this server you’ll be using this version of Ruby. While<br />

you’re doing Ruby things, let’s install the Bundler gem, which you’ll need for your<br />

application to install its gems on the server and rake for running Rake tasks:<br />

gem install bundler rake

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