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Linking tickets to users<br />

Then I should see "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."<br />

When I fill in "Email" with "user@ticketee.com"<br />

And I fill in "Password" with "password"<br />

And I press "Sign in"<br />

Then I should see "New Ticket"<br />

The step that checks for the text “You need to sign in or sign up before continuing”<br />

fails because you’re not ensuring the user is signed in before the new action in the<br />

TicketsController.<br />

To do so, you can use the Devise-provided method authenticate_user! as a<br />

before_filter. Put this method directly underneath the class definition for Tickets-<br />

Controller inside app/controllers/tickets_controller.rb. The placement of this<br />

before_filter ensures that if it fails, the other two before_filters underneath it<br />

will not needlessly run, eventually saving valuable CPU cycles.<br />

The line you put in the TicketsController is<br />

before_filter :authenticate_user!, :except => [:index, :show]<br />

This line ensures that users are authenticated before they go to any action in the controller<br />

that isn’t the index or show, including the new and create actions.<br />

By ensuring this authentication, you’ll know which user created a ticket during the<br />

creation process, so let’s link tickets to users.<br />

6.5.1 Attributing tickets to users<br />

To link tickets to specific users, you alter the build line in your create action in<br />

TicketsController from this line<br />

@ticket = @project.tickets.build(params[:ticket])<br />

to this:<br />

@ticket = @project.tickets.build(params[:ticket].merge!(:user => current_user))<br />

The merge! method here is a Hash and HashWithIndifferentAccess method, which<br />

merges the provided keys into the hash and overrides any keys already specified. 2<br />

When you run the feature again using bin/cucumber features/creating_tickets<br />

.feature, it complains about an unknown attribute in all three scenarios:<br />

unknown attribute: user (ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError)<br />

This error occurs because you haven’t added a belongs_to association between the<br />

Ticket and User. Let’s open app/models/ticket.rb and add this line directly under the<br />

belongs_to :project line:<br />

belongs_to :user<br />

The belongs_to method defines methods for accessing the association, as has_many<br />

does, except here you retrieve only one record. Active Record knows which record<br />

to retrieve when you call either project or user on a Ticket object because it<br />

2 Which could happen if someone hacked the form and attempted to pass their own user attribute.<br />


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