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Confirmation link sign-in<br />

Listing 6.5 db/migrate/[timestamp]_add_confirmable_fields_to_users.rb<br />

class AddConfirmableFieldsToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration<br />

def change<br />

add_column :users, :confirmation_token, :string<br />

add_column :users, :confirmed_at, :datetime<br />

add_column :users, :confirmation_sent_at, :datetime<br />

end<br />

end<br />

This migration adds the specified columns to the users table when you run rake<br />

db:migrate or removes them when you run rake db:rollback.<br />

When users sign up, a confirmation token is generated for them. An email with a<br />

link containing this token is sent (and the confirmation_sent_at field is set). When<br />

users click the link, their account is confirmed, and the confirmed_at field is set to<br />

the current time in the process.<br />

You now need to run rake db:migrate and rake db:test:prepare to update your<br />

test database with this latest change. With these fields in place, you should be much<br />

closer to having your scenario pass. Let’s see with a quick run of bin/cucumber features/signing_in.feature:<br />

Scenario: Signing in via confirmation<br />

Given there are the following users:<br />

| email | password |<br />

| user@ticketee.com | password |<br />

And "user@ticketee.com" opens the email with subject "Confirmation<br />

➥instructions"<br />

And they click the first link in the email<br />

Then I should see "Your account was successfully confirmed"<br />

Then I should see "Signed in as user@ticketee.com"<br />

expected there to be content "Created by user@ticketee.com" in "[text]"<br />

Everything but the final step is passing. The final step checks for “Signed in as<br />

user@ticketee.com” somewhere on the page, but it can’t find it. You must add it to<br />

your application’s layout, replacing the Sign Up link with “Signed in as [username]”<br />

so users don’t have the option to sign up if they’re already signed in!<br />

Let’s open app/views/layouts/application.html.erb and change this line<br />

<br />

to the following:<br />

<br />

Signed in as <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The user_signed_in? and current_user methods are provided by Devise. The<br />

user_signed_in? method returns true if the user is signed in; otherwise it returns<br />

false. The current_user method returns a User object representing the current<br />

user, and from that object you can call the email method to display the user’s email.<br />


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