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Sending ticket notifications<br />

this mailer and will set the “from” address on all emails to be the one specified. Let’s<br />

change this to be ticketee@gmail.com.<br />

Now that you have the Notifier class defined, what happens when you run your<br />

feature? Let’s run it using bin/cucumber features/ticket_notifications.feature<br />

and find out:<br />

undefined method `comment_updated' for Notifier:Class (NoMethodError)<br />

./app/observers/comment_observer.rb:3:in `after_create'<br />

In this class, you need to define the comment_updated method, which will build an<br />

email to send out when a comment is updated. This method needs to get the email<br />

address for all the watchers for comment’s ticket and send an email to each of them. To<br />

do this, you can define the method like this:<br />

def comment_updated(comment, user)<br />

@comment = comment<br />

@user = user<br />

mail(:to => user.email,<br />

:subject => "[ticketee] #{comment.ticket.project.name} -<br />

#{comment.ticket.title}")<br />

end<br />

Even though you’re defining this as an instance method (the error complains about a<br />

class method), the comment_updated method is truly the method that is used by Action<br />

Mailer to set up your email. This is a little bit of magic performed by Action Mailer for<br />

your benefit. 7<br />

When this method is called, it will attempt to render a plain-text template for the<br />

email, which should be found at app/views/notifier/comment_updated.text.erb. You’ll<br />

define this template after you’ve got the method working. You define a @comment<br />

instance variable as the first line of your method so that the object in comment will be<br />

available to your template.<br />

You use the mail method to generate a new email, passing it a hash containing to<br />

and subject keys, which define where the email goes to as well as the subject for the<br />

email.<br />

When you run bin/cucumber features/ticket_notifications.feature, you see<br />

that the user now receives an email and therefore is able to open it, but the content<br />

you’re looking for is not there:<br />

Then "alice@ticketee.com" should receive an email<br />

When "alice@ticketee.com" opens the email<br />

Then they should see "updated the Release date ticket" in the email body<br />

expected "" to include "updated the Release date ticket" ...<br />

But why is this not seeing the content? Because you don’t have a template set up just at<br />

the moment! It’s good to know at this point that if you ever wanted to debug an<br />

email’s content, there’s a “Then show me the page” inspired step that you can use<br />

called “Then save and open current email.” Let’s add this on a new line right before<br />

7 By calling the method on the class, it’s caught by method_missing, which initializes a new instance of this<br />

class and then eventually ends up calling your comment_update method.<br />


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