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488 CHAPTER 17 Engines<br />

You’re missing the new action in your Forem::TopicsController. This action will provide<br />

the form that users can use to create a new topic.<br />

17.5.5 The new action<br />

You need to define the new action in the controller. This action and its related view will<br />

provide the form for creating a topic and its first post. In this brand new action, you can<br />

initialize a new topic and post with the following code underneath the index action:<br />

def new<br />

@topic = Forem::Topic.new<br />

@topic.posts.build<br />

end<br />

There’s no association definition or even a model for the posts association yet, and so<br />

you should create the model and then the correct associations. You can do this by running<br />

this command:<br />

rails g model post topic_id:integer text:text user_id:integer<br />

You can then run rake db:migrate to create the forem_posts table. Next, you need to<br />

set up both ends of this association, beginning with the Forem::Post model, which<br />

needs to have this line inserted:<br />

belongs_to :topic<br />

Here you don’t need to tell Rails that the class of this association is Forem::Topic,<br />

Rails will figure that out itself. In the Forem::Topic model, you need to set up the<br />

other end of this association and accept nested attributes for it:<br />

has_many :posts, :order => "created_at ASC"<br />

accepts_nested_attributes_for :posts<br />

You’re putting the accepts_nested_attributes_for in the Forem::Topic model<br />

because when you submit the form for this action, you’ll be passing through the attributes<br />

for the topic as well as nested attributes for the post. With the association now<br />

defined in your Forem::Topic model, your new action will work.<br />

The next step here is defining the view for this action, which you can do by putting<br />

this code at app/views/forem/topics/new.html.erb:<br />

New Topic<br />

<br />

This view will render the partial at app/views/forem/topics/_form.html.erb, which you<br />

need to define using the code in the following listing.<br />

Listing 17.6 app/views/forem/topics/_form.html.erb<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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