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254 CHAPTER 10 Tracking state<br />

which define the colors of the label for this ticket. Later on, you’ll add a position field<br />

that you’ll use to determine the sort order of the states in the select box. Let’s create this<br />

State model and the associated migration by running this command:<br />

rails g model state name:string color:string background:string<br />

Before running this migration, you need to define a way that states link to comments<br />

and to tickets, but there are a couple of things worth mentioning beforehand. For<br />

comments, you want to track the previous state so you can display that a comment has<br />

changed the ticket’s state. For tickets, you want to track the state for which you’ll use a<br />

foreign key. With all of this in mind, let’s add these fields to the migration now. You<br />

also remove the timestamps call from within create_table because it’s not important<br />

when states were created or updated. When you’re done, the whole migration should<br />

look like the following listing.<br />

Listing 10.10 db/migrate/[date]_create_states.rb<br />

class CreateStates < ActiveRecord::Migration<br />

def up<br />

create_table :states do |t|<br />

t.string :name<br />

t.string :color<br />

t.string :background<br />

end<br />

add_column :tickets, :state_id, :integer<br />

add_index :tickets, :state_id<br />

add_column :comments, :state_id, :integer<br />

end<br />

def down<br />

drop_table :states<br />

remove_column :tickets, :state_id<br />

remove_column :comments, :state_id<br />

end<br />

end<br />

In this migration you use the add_index method to add a database index on the<br />

tickets table’s state_id field. By adding an index on this field, you can speed up<br />

queries made that search for this particular field. The side-effect of indexing is that it<br />

will result in slower writes and more disk space. It’s always important to have indexes<br />

on nonprimary-key fields 2 because of this great read speed increase.<br />

Let’s run this migration now by running these two commands:<br />

rake db:migrate<br />

rake db:test:prepare<br />

2 Primary key in this case is the id field that is automatically created for each model by create_table. Primary<br />

key fields are, by default, indexed.

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