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284 CHAPTER 10 Tracking state<br />

it "cannot transition a state by passing through state_id" do<br />

post :create, { :comment => { :text => "Hacked!",<br />

:state_id => state.id },<br />

:ticket_id => ticket.id }<br />

ticket.reload<br />

B Reload Ticket object<br />

ticket.state.should eql(nil)<br />

end<br />

end<br />

This spec uses a before to sign in as the user before the example runs. Inside the<br />

example, you use the post method to make a POST request to the create action<br />

inside CommentsController, passing in the specified parameters. It’s this state_id<br />

parameter that should be ignored in the action.<br />

After the post method, you use a new method :reload B. When you call reload<br />

on an Active Record object, it will fetch the object again from the database and update<br />

the attributes for it. You use this because the create action acts on a different Ticket<br />

object and doesn’t touch the one you’ve set up for your spec.<br />

The final line here asserts that the ticket.state should be nil. When you run<br />

this spec by running bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/comments_controller<br />

_spec.rb, this final line will be the one to fail:<br />

Failure/Error: ticket.state.should eql(nil)<br />

expected nil<br />

got #<br />

The ticket.state is returning a state object because the user has been able to post<br />

it through the parameter hash. With a failing spec now in place, you can go about<br />

stopping this state parameter from going unchecked. To ignore this parameter, you<br />

can remove it from the params hash if the user doesn’t have permission to change<br />

states. At the top of the create action, inside of CommentsController, put the following<br />

lines:<br />

if cannot?(:"change states", @ticket.project)<br />

params[:comment].delete(:state_id)<br />

end<br />

This code will remove the state_id key from the params[:comment] hash if the user<br />

doesn’t have permission to change the states on the ticket’s project, thereby preventing<br />

them from being able to change the state. If you rerun your spec using bin/rspec spec<br />

/controllers/comments_controller_spec.rb, you’ll see that it passes:<br />

1 example, 0 failures<br />

Great! Now nobody without permission will be able to download the ticket page, make<br />

modifications to it to add a state field, and then be able to change the states.<br />

You’re done with this feature now so it’s time to make sure you didn’t break anything<br />

with your changes by running rake cucumber:ok spec. You should see that<br />

everything is squeaky clean:

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!