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504 CHAPTER 17 Engines<br />

You don’t need this controller to do much more than sit there and look pretty. Oh,<br />

and it needs to have a login action that responds in an OK fashion too. Let’s define<br />

this controller in your dummy application by creating a new file at spec/dummy/app/<br />

controllers/fake_controller.rb and putting this content inside it:<br />

class FakeController < ApplicationController<br />

def sign_in<br />

render :text => "Placeholder login page."<br />

end<br />

end<br />

This action will now render the text “Placeholder login page,” thereby returning that<br />

OK status you’re after, as well as some helpful text to indicate where you’re at. When<br />

you run bin/rspec spec/integration/topics_spec.rb, you’ll see that it passes:<br />

1 example, 0 failures<br />

This means now that any user attempting to access the new action in the<br />

Forem::TopicsController will be redirected to the login page. What happens when<br />

you run the whole spec file? Let’s find out with bin/rspec spec/integration/<br />

topics_spec.rb:<br />

ActionView::Template::Error:<br />

undefined method `current_user' for #<br />

...<br />

# ./spec/integration/topics_spec.rb:21:in ...<br />

3 examples, 1 failure<br />

Your final spec in this file is failing with an undefined method current_user, because<br />

you’re not calling sign_in! before it. Move this code into its own context with a<br />

before like the other two tests have, using the code shown in the following listing.<br />

Listing 17.15 spec/integration/topics_spec.rb<br />

context "authenticated users" do<br />

before do<br />

sign_in!<br />

end<br />

it "creating a new one" do<br />

visit topics_path<br />

click_link "New Topic"<br />

fill_in "Subject", :with => "First topic!"<br />

fill_in "Text", :with => "First post!"<br />

click_button "Create Topic"<br />

within "#flash_notice" do<br />

page.should have_content("Topic has been created!")<br />

end<br />

within ".forem_topic #posts .forem_post" do<br />

page.should have_content("First post!")<br />

end<br />

end<br />


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