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362 CHAPTER 13 Designing an API<br />

This should be all that you need in order to get your spec to pass, so let’s see what<br />

happens when you run bin/rspec spec/api/v1/projects_spec.rb:<br />

3 examples, 0 failures<br />

Great! Now you need to write a test to check that when you attempt to pass through a<br />

project with no name you’re given a 422 status code and an error along with it, indicating<br />

that the project wasn’t created due to those errors. Directly underneath the<br />

previous test in spec/api/v1/projects_spec.rb, you’ll add this test shown in the following<br />

listing.<br />

Listing 13.10 spec/api/v1/projects_spec.rb<br />

it "unsuccessful JSON" do<br />

post "#{url}.json", :token => token,<br />

:project => {}<br />

last_response.status.should eql(422)<br />

errors = {"name" => ["can't be blank"]}.to_json<br />

last_response.body.should eql(errors)<br />

end<br />

Naughty you, writing the test after the code is already there, but you can get away with<br />

it once. Let’s run the spec and see how it goes now:<br />

4 examples, 0 failures<br />

Great success! With this URL working for valid and non-valid projects appropriately,<br />

you are now providing a way for your users to create a project through the API, and so<br />

it’s time to make a commit:<br />

git add .<br />

git commit -m "Added API to create projects"<br />

git push<br />

Your next task is to restrict this action to only the admins of your application, as in the<br />

real ProjectsController controller. You want to limit the number of people who can<br />

change the projects to a select few who know what they’re doing.<br />

13.1.7 Restricting access to only admins<br />

In app/controllers/projects_controller.rb you’ve got this line, which restricts some<br />

actions to only admins:<br />

before_filter :authorize_admin!, :except => [:index, :show]<br />

As it says on the line, every action other than index or show has this filter run before<br />

it. This filter is defined in app/controllers/application_controller.rb like this:<br />

def authorize_admin!<br />

authenticate_user!<br />

unless current_user.admin?<br />

flash[:alert] = "You must be an admin to do that."<br />

redirect_to root_path<br />

end<br />


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