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308 CHAPTER 11 Tagging<br />

This is because, like the tags parameter, you’re attempting to set a string value on a<br />

field that is actually an association. You must take the state key out of the parameters<br />

hash inside this step so that it is not parsed as a normal field of a ticket.<br />

To fix this little issue, open features/step_definitions/ticket_steps.rb and change the<br />

step definition to be this:<br />

Given /^"([^\"]*)" has created a ticket for this project:$/ do |email, table|<br />

table.hashes.each do |attributes|<br />

tags = attributes.delete("tags")<br />

state = attributes.delete("state")<br />

ticket = @project.tickets.create!(<br />

attributes.merge!(:user =><br />

User.find_by_email!(email)))<br />

ticket.state = State.find_or_create_by_name(state) if state<br />

ticket.tag!(tags) if tags<br />

ticket.save<br />

end<br />

end<br />

On the second line of this step definition, you remove the state key from the<br />

attributes hash, using the delete method again. On the second-to-last line you<br />

assign the ticket’s state, but only if there was a state defined from attributes. The<br />

ticket would be saved if you had specified a tag in the attributes, but if you didn’t then<br />

you need to call save again, as you do on the final line of this step definition.<br />

With all the Background fiddling done, you can add a scenario that searches for<br />

tickets with a given state. It goes like this:<br />

Scenario: Finding by state<br />

When I fill in "Search" with "state:Open"<br />

And I press "Search"<br />

Then I should see "Tag!"<br />

And I should not see "Tagged!"<br />

This should show any ticket with the open state, and hide all other tickets. When you<br />

run this feature with bin/cucumber features/searching.feature, you see that this is<br />

not the case. It can still see the Tagged! ticket:<br />

And I should not see "Tagged!"<br />

Failed assertion, no message given. (MiniTest::Assertion)<br />

When a user performs a search on only an undefined label (such as your state label),<br />

Searcher will return all the records for that table. This is the behavior you are seeing<br />

right now, so it means that you need to define your state label in your model. Let’s<br />

open app/models/ticket.rb and add this line to your searcher block:<br />

label :state, :from => :state, :field => "name"<br />

With this label defined, your newest scenario will now pass when you re-run bin/<br />

cucumber features/searching.feature:<br />

2 scenarios (2 passed)<br />

26 steps (26 passed)

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