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Restricting update access<br />

For this feature, at features/editing_tickets.feature, you set up a Permission that<br />

says the user you sign in as has permission to update tickets. To do this, write a step in<br />

the Background directly under the other one that sets up read access, as shown here:<br />

And "user@ticketee.com" can view the "TextMate 2" project<br />

And "user@ticketee.com" can edit tickets in the "TextMate 2" project<br />

When you run bin/cucumber features/editing_tickets.feature, it all passes, just<br />

as you expect. This step covers the scenario in which the user has permission to<br />

update tickets; to cover the scenario in which the user doesn’t have permission, you<br />

need to write a couple of specs first.<br />

8.6.1 No updating for you!<br />

In this section, you restrict updating of tickets in the same way you restricted creating<br />

tickets. You start by writing two examples: one to test the edit action and the other to<br />

test the update action. Inside spec/controllers/tickets_controller_spec.rb, within the<br />

“with permission to view the project” context, define a cannot_update_tickets!<br />

method right under the cannot_create_tickets! method, as shown next:<br />

def cannot_update_tickets!<br />

response.should redirect_to(project)<br />

flash[:alert].should eql("You cannot edit tickets on this project.")<br />

end<br />

Then, underneath the existing examples, put the specs, as shown in the following<br />

listing.<br />

Listing 8.9 Update tests for spec/controllers/tickets_controller_spec.rb<br />

it "cannot edit a ticket without permission" do<br />

get :edit, { :project_id => project.id, :id => ticket.id }<br />

cannot_update_tickets!<br />

end<br />

it "cannot update a ticket without permission" do<br />

put :update, { :project_id => project.id,<br />

:id => ticket.id,<br />

:ticket => {}<br />

}<br />

cannot_update_tickets!<br />

end<br />

These two examples make requests to their respective actions and assert that the user<br />

is redirected away from them with an error message explaining why. With both of<br />

these actions, you need to pass a project_id parameter so the find_project method<br />

can find a project and an id parameter so the find_ticket method can find a ticket.<br />

For the update action, you pass an empty hash so params[:ticket] is set. If you didn’t<br />

do this, you would get a confusing error in your test:<br />

NoMethodError:<br />

undefined method 'stringify_keys' for nil:NilClass<br />


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