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142 CHAPTER 7 Basic access control<br />

flash[:alert] = "You must be an admin to do that."<br />

redirect_to root_path<br />

end<br />

end<br />

This method uses the authenticate_user! method (provided by Devise) to ensure<br />

that the user is signed in. If the user isn’t signed in when this method is called, they’re<br />

asked to sign in. If the user isn’t an admin after signing in, they’re shown the “You<br />

must be an admin to do that” message and redirected to the homepage.<br />

To call this method, call before_filter at the top of your ProjectsController, as<br />

shown in the following listing.<br />

Listing 7.8 app/controllers/projects_controller.rb<br />

before_filter :authorize_admin!, :except => [:index, :show]<br />

With that in place, you can rerun the spec bin/rspec spec/controllers/projects<br />

_controller_spec.rb, which should now pass:<br />

2 examples, 0 failures<br />

Great, now you know this is working for the new action, but does it work for create,<br />

edit, update, and destroy? You can replace the "cannot access the new action"<br />

example you just wrote with the code from the following listing.<br />

Listing 7.9 spec/controllers/projects_controller_spec.rb<br />

{ "new" => "get",<br />

"create" => "post",<br />

"edit" => "get",<br />

"update" => "put",<br />

"destroy" => "delete" }.each do |action, method|<br />

it "cannot access the #{action} action" do<br />

sign_in(:user, user)<br />

send(method, action.dup, :id => project.id)<br />

response.should redirect_to(root_path)<br />

flash[:alert].should eql("You must be an admin to do that.")<br />

end<br />

end<br />

In this example, you use a project variable, which you need to set up by using a let,<br />

as you did for user. Under the let for user, add one for project:<br />

let(:project) { Factory(:project) }<br />

The attributes of this project object are unimportant: you only need a valid object,<br />

and Factory Girl provides that for you.<br />

The keys for the hash on the first line of listing 7.9 contain all the actions you want<br />

to ensure are protected; the values are the methods you use to make the request to<br />

the action. You use the action here to give your examples dynamic names, and you use<br />

them further down when you use the send method. The send method allows you to<br />

dynamically call methods and pass arguments to them. It’s used here because for each

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