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528 CHAPTER 18 Rack-based applications<br />

By making it a class, you’ll be able to mount it in your application using the mount<br />

method in config/routes.rb. By mounting this Sinatra application, it will have access to<br />

all the classes from your Rails application, such as your models, which is precisely what<br />

you’re going to need for this new version of your API. You won’t use this code example<br />

right now; it’s handy to know that you can do this.<br />

To use Sinatra with your application, you’ll need to add it to the Gemfile with this<br />

line:<br />

gem 'sinatra'<br />

Then you’ll need to run bundle install to install it. So let’s go ahead now and start<br />

building this API using Sinatra. 5<br />

18.3.3 The API, by Sinatra<br />

Let’s create a new file to test your experimental new API at spec/api/v3/json/<br />

tickets_spec.rb. In this file you want to set up a project that has at least one ticket, as<br />

well as a user that you can use to make requests to your API. After that, you want to<br />

make a request to /api/v3/json/tickets and check that you get back a proper response<br />

of tickets. With this in mind, let’s write a spec that looks like the code shown in the following<br />

listing.<br />

Listing 18.7 spec/api/v3/json/tickets_spec.rb<br />

require 'spec_helper'<br />

describe Api::V3::JSON::Tickets, :type => :api do<br />

let(:project) { Factory(:project) }<br />

let(:user) { Factory(:user) }<br />

let(:token) { user.authentication_token }<br />

before do<br />

Factory(:ticket, :project => project)<br />

user.permissions.create!(:thing => project, :action => "view")<br />

end<br />

let(:url) { "/api/v3/json/projects/#{project.id}/tickets" }<br />

context "successful requests" do<br />

it "can get a list of tickets" do<br />

get url, :token => token<br />

last_response.body.should eql(project.tickets.to_json)<br />

end<br />

end<br />

end<br />

This test looks remarkably like the one in spec/api/v2/tickets_spec.rb, except this time<br />

you’re only testing for JSON responses and you’ve changed the URL that you’re<br />

requesting to api/:version/:format/:path. When you run this spec with bin/rspec<br />

spec/api/v3/json/tickets_spec.rb you’ll see that it’s giving you this error:<br />

... uninitialized constant Api::V3<br />

5 You can learn more about Sinatra at https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/.

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