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244 CHAPTER 10 Tracking state<br />

used, then you’d have no record of that state ever existing. It’s best if, once states are<br />

created and used on a ticket, they can’t be deleted. 1<br />

To track the states, you’ll let users leave a comment. With a comment, users will be<br />

able to leave a text message about the ticket and may also elect to change the state of<br />

the ticket to something else by selecting it from a drop-down box. But not all users will<br />

be able to leave a comment and change the state. You’ll protect both creating a comment<br />

and changing the state.<br />

By the time you’re done with all of this, the users of your application will have the<br />

ability to add comments to your tickets. Some users, due to permission restriction, will<br />

be able to change the state of a ticket through the comment interface.<br />

You’ll begin with creating that interface for a user to create a comment and then<br />

build on top of that the ability for the user to change the state of a ticket while adding<br />

a comment. Let’s get into it.<br />

10.1 Leaving a comment<br />

Let’s get started by adding the ability to leave<br />

a comment. When you’re done you will have<br />

a simple form that looks like figure 10.1.<br />

To get started with this you’ll write a<br />

Cucumber feature that goes through the<br />

process of creating a comment. When you’re<br />

done with this feature, you will have a comment<br />

form at the bottom of the show action<br />

for the TicketsController which you’ll<br />

then use as a base for adding your state dropdown<br />

box later on. Put this feature in a new<br />

file at features/creating_comments.feature,<br />

and make it look like the following listing.<br />

Listing 10.1 features/creating_comments.feature<br />

Feature: Creating comments<br />

In order to update a ticket's progress<br />

As a user<br />

I want to leave comments<br />

Figure 10.1 The comment form<br />

Background:<br />

Given there are the following users:<br />

| email | password |<br />

| user@ticketee.com | password |<br />

And I am signed in as them<br />

And there is a project called "Ticketee"<br />

And "user@ticketee.com" can view the "Ticketee" project<br />

And "user@ticketee.com" has created a ticket for this project:<br />

1 Alternatively, these states could be moved into an “archive” state of their own so they couldn’t be assigned to<br />

new tickets but still would be visible on older tickets.

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