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Database query enhancements<br />

all on the same page, but also along with these tickets you wanted to display all the<br />

tags for these tickets. Before you render this page, you know all the tickets but don’t<br />

yet know what the tags are for the tickets. Therefore, you’d need to retrieve the tags as<br />

you are iterating over each of the tickets, generating another query to retrieve all the<br />

tags for each ticket.<br />

This is the N+1 selects problem. You have an initial query for all of your tickets,<br />

but then N queries more, depending on the amount of tickets you’re showing. This<br />

problem is not so much of a big deal now that you’ve got pagination, but it still can<br />

crop up.<br />

16.2.1 Eager loading<br />

In your app/views/projects/show.html.erb you can perform N+1 selects, asking for<br />

each ticket’s tags just like in the example, by putting this line within the block where<br />

you iterate over each ticket:<br />

<br />

When you start your server using rails server and navigate to your first project’s<br />

page, Rails will diligently run through each ticket in the @tickets array, performing a<br />

query for each one to find its tags. If you switch back over to the console, you’ll see<br />

queries like this:<br />

SELECT * FROM "tags"<br />

INNER JOIN "tags_tickets" ON "tags".id = "tags_tickets".tag_id<br />

WHERE ("tags_tickets".ticket_id = 1 )<br />

There should be 50 of these little queries, and 50 adds up to a big number 5 when it<br />

comes to lots of requests hitting this page and running these queries. Fifty requests to<br />

this page would result in over 2,500 queries. Oh, your poor database server! 6 It would<br />

be much better if you didn’t have to run so many queries.<br />

Thankfully, there’s yet another thing in Rails that helps us be better programmers<br />

and better friends with our databases. This wonderful invention is known as eager loading<br />

and will allow you to run two queries to get all the tickets and all the tags, rather<br />

than one query for the ticket and N queries for all the tags for all the tickets.<br />

There are two ways of doing this: you can use the joins or includes method when<br />

you attempt to grab all the tags for the tickets in app/controllers/projects<br />

_controller.rb. You’re currently grabbing and paginating all the tickets for the current<br />

project using this line in the show action in ProjectsController:<br />

@tickets = @project.tickets.page(params[:page])<br />

The @project.tickets part of this line generates a query, 7 but doesn’t eager-load the<br />

tags yet. To make it do this, you could use the joins method like this:<br />

@tickets = @project.tickets.joins(:tags).page(params[:page])<br />

5 When used in a function that uses squares, or even worse, cubes.<br />

6 Yes, they’re made for this kind of thing, but that’s not the point!<br />

7 But doesn’t run it! When it gets to the view and you call each on it, then it runs.<br />


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