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Sending ticket notifications<br />

Then they should see "updated the Release date ticket" in the email body<br />

And the email should contain 2 parts<br />

And there should be a part with content type "text/plain"<br />

And there should be a part with content type "text/html"<br />

When you run this feature with bin/cucumber features/ticket_notifications<br />

.feature, you’re notified that the two steps you’ve just used are undefined:<br />

Then /^the email should contain two parts$/ do<br />

pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had<br />

end<br />

Then /^there should be a part with content type "([^"]*)"$/ do | arg1 |<br />

pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had<br />

end<br />

The email_spec gem doesn’t provide any steps for this, so you must craft your own.<br />

The gem does provide some helper methods that you can use. You should define<br />

these steps in a file separate from features/step_definitions/email_steps.rb, because the<br />

next time you run the email_spec generator, it will overwrite this file. Let’s instead<br />

put them in features/step_definitions/app_email_steps.rb and define them like this:<br />

Then /^the email should contain (\d+) parts$/ do |num|<br />

current_email.parts.size.should eql(num.to_i)<br />

end<br />

Then /^there should be a part with content type "([^"]*)"$/<br />

do |content_type |<br />

current_email.parts.detect do |p|<br />

p.content_type == content_type<br />

end.should_not be_nil<br />

end<br />

In the first step here, the current_email method comes from email_spec and represents<br />

the currently opened email. You open this email with the “Then alice@ticketee<br />

.com opens the email” step in your scenario. This object is a Mail::Message object,<br />

which represents an email object. You check in this step that the email contains the<br />

number of parts you say it should contain, and convert the num variable to an integer<br />

using to_i because it comes in from the step definition as a String object.<br />

In the second step, you iterate through the parts to the email, using detect to<br />

return the first part in parts, which matches the condition inside the block you specify.<br />

You don’t care at this stage what order the parts appear in (that’s something the different<br />

email clients will deal with), but you do care that there’s more than one part.<br />

When you run your feature using bin/cucumber features/ticket_notifications<br />

.feature, you see that the first of your two newest steps fails:<br />

And the email should contain 2 parts<br />

expected 2<br />

got 0<br />

So your scenario expected to see two parts, but got none. Why not even one? Well, the<br />

normal flavor of emails don’t come with multiple parts, because the text is part of the<br />


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