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350 CHAPTER 13 Designing an API<br />

critical role in an API, providing key information such as if the request was successful<br />

(the 200 status code) or if the user is unauthorized (the 401 status code) to perform<br />

the request. These are standardized ways of quickly informing people of the result of<br />

their requests.<br />

TIP There’s a handy gem called cheat that provides cheat sheets for a<br />

number of things, including one for HTTP status codes. You can install<br />

this gem using the gem install cheat command and then bring up the<br />

cheat sheet for status codes using cheat status_codes.<br />

But if you’re on Windows, this won’t work because Cheat requires a<br />

function not found on your system. Instead, go to http://cheat<br />

.errtheblog .com/b where you can view the list of all the cheat sheets.<br />

To begin writing this API, you’ll need to define the routes to it. Without routes, making<br />

requests to /api/v1/projects.json will forever be fruitless. If you recall from this chapter’s<br />

introduction, the API URL that you’ll be using looks like /api/v1/projects.json. Previously,<br />

when you wanted URLs to be prefixed with a name (such as back in chapter 7),<br />

you used a namespace method for them. You’re going to do the same thing here,<br />

except you’ll use a namespace within another namespace. Let’s open config/routes.rb<br />

and add the code from the following listing to the top of the routes definition.<br />

Listing 13.1 config/routes.rb<br />

Ticketee::Application.routes.draw do<br />

namespace :api do<br />

namespace :v1 do<br />

resources :projects<br />

end<br />

end<br />

...<br />

This new route defines routes and routing helpers for the projects resources, such as<br />

/api/v1/projects, and api_v1_projects_path respectively. You’re going to need to<br />

be serving content from this route, namely a list of projects. This list will be served in<br />

one of two forms: XML or JSON. Before you actually implement the code that makes<br />

these responses get served, you’re going to write a new RSpec test that makes sure<br />

these routes return the right data. To help you along, you’ll be using a feature provided<br />

by one of the dependencies of Rails: the rack-test gem.<br />

This gem provides a module called Rack::Test::Methods, which contains methods<br />

such as get, post, put, and delete. Look familiar? They should. They’re the four<br />

basic HTTP methods that you use when making requests. The methods from<br />

Rack::Test::Methods take a path on which to make a request and then return a Rack<br />

response (an Array) that consists of three parts: the HTTP status code, the HTTP headers<br />

(in Hash form), and the body. The simplest Rack response would look something<br />

like this:<br />

[200, {}, "Hello World!"]

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!