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278 CHAPTER 10 Tracking state<br />

10.5 Locking down states<br />

This feature is going to take a little more than hiding the State select box on the form;<br />

you also need to tell the application to ignore the state parameter if the user doesn’t<br />

have permission to change the state. You implement this one piece at a time, beginning<br />

with ensuring the State select box is hidden from those who should be unable to<br />

change the state.<br />

10.5.1 Hiding a select box<br />

In previous chapters you’ve seen how you can hide links from certain users by using<br />

the CanCan-provided can? view helper. You can also use this helper to hide the state<br />

field in your comment form from users without the permission to change the state.<br />

First, you write a Cucumber scenario to ensure that the State box is always hidden<br />

from these users.<br />

You add this particular scenario to the bottom of the features/creating<br />

_comments.feature because its operation is based around creating a comment. The scenario<br />

to ensure that you don’t see this state field is a short and simple one:<br />

Scenario: A user without permission cannot change the state<br />

When I follow "Change a ticket's state"<br />

Then I should not see the "#comment_state_id" element<br />

This scenario contains two simple steps: one to go to the ticket page and another to<br />

assert that you don’t see the State select box. When you run this scenario by running<br />

bundle exec features/creating_comments.feature:44, you see that the second step<br />

isn’t yet defined:<br />

Undefined step: "I should not see the "#comment_state_id" element"<br />

As usual, the definition for this step appears at the bottom of Cucumber’s output:<br />

Then /^I should not see the "([^"]*)" element$/ do |arg1|<br />

pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had<br />

end<br />

To define this step, you put its definition inside of features/step_definitions/<br />

application_steps.rb. To make it do the thing you want it to do, you can use one of<br />

Capybara’s helper methods called find.<br />

find can take many different forms, but in this case you’ll be using the following<br />

form:<br />

find(:css, css)<br />

By passing these two options to find, Capybara will look for any element on the page<br />

that matches the CSS selector. In this case, that would be css. If find does find an element<br />

or even a collection of elements, it will only return the first element from this list.<br />

If it can’t find anything, it will return nil. Using this knowledge, you can implement<br />

this step now as shown, putting it inside features/step_definitions/application_steps.rb:

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