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270 CHAPTER 10 Tracking state<br />

You’ll start out by writing a feature to create new states, which will involve creating<br />

a new controller called Admin::StatesController. This controller will provide the<br />

admins of your application with the basic CRUD functionality for states, as well as the<br />

ability to mark a state as the default, which all tickets will then be associated with.<br />

We’re not going to look at adding an edit, update, or destroy action to this controller<br />

because it’s been covered previously and should be left as an exercise for you.<br />

10.4.1 Adding additional states<br />

You have three default states from the db/seeds.rb file currently: New, Open, and<br />

Closed. If the admin users of your application wish to add more, they can’t—not until<br />

you’ve created the Admin::StatesController and the new and create actions inside<br />

it. This will allow those users to create additional states which then can be assigned to<br />

a ticket.<br />

You have this lovely State model, but no way for admins of the application to add<br />

any new records to it. What if they want to add more states? You’ll create a new controller<br />

called Admin::StatesController and put a new and create action in it so that<br />

admins can create more states.<br />

But before you write any real code, you’ll write a feature that describes the process<br />

of creating a state. Put it in a new file called features/creating_states.feature, which is<br />

shown in the following listing.<br />

Listing 10.21 features/creating_states.feature<br />

Feature: Creating states<br />

In order to be able to specify other states for tickets<br />

As an admin<br />

I want to add them to the application<br />

Background:<br />

Given there are the following users:<br />

| email | password | admin |<br />

| admin@ticketee.com | password | true |<br />

And I am signed in as them<br />

Scenario: Creating a state<br />

When I follow "Admin"<br />

And I follow "States"<br />

And I follow "New State"<br />

And I fill in "Name" with "Duplicate"<br />

And I press "Create State"<br />

Then I should see "State has been created."<br />

Here you sign in as an admin user and go through the motions of creating a new state.<br />

When you run this feature through using the command bin/cucumber features/<br />

creating_states.feature, it will fail because it can’t find the States link:<br />

And I follow "States"<br />

no link with title, id or text 'States' found (Capybara::ElementNotFound)

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