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352 CHAPTER 13 Designing an API<br />

RSpec.configure do |c|<br />

c.include ApiHelper, :type => :api<br />

end<br />

Here you define a module called ApiHelper, which you include into any test marked<br />

as an API test with the :type option. Inside the module, you use the<br />

Rack::Test::Methods module, which provides useful methods that you’ll see<br />

throughout this chapter for making requests to your application, such as the get<br />

method (not yet shown). You define the app method here so that the<br />

Rack::Test::Methods knows which application to act on. With this done, let’s go<br />

back to your test.<br />

Inside the describe block underneath this new method you’re going to want to<br />

create a new user (an admin one at that, because later on you’ll need it for the create<br />

and other actions) whom you’ll use to make this request to the API. You can create this<br />

admin by adding a let inside spec/v1/api/projects_spec.rb:<br />

let(:user) { create_user! }<br />

You’ll need to set up Devise to include the token_authenticatable module so that<br />

you can authenticate API requests from users by using a token they provide with each<br />

request. This is so that you will know what projects to show to your users, as well as any<br />

other authorization criteria that you need to apply to this user’s request. For example,<br />

only users with permission to create projects in the application should be able to do so<br />

through the API.<br />

To implement the change that you need, go into the User model (app/models/<br />

user.rb) and change the devise call to be this:<br />

devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable,<br />

:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable,<br />

:token_authenticatable<br />

Next, generate a migration to add a field called authentication_token to the users<br />

table, which will be used to store this token. You’ll need to add this migration to both<br />

the development and test environments. To do this, run these three commands:<br />

rails g migration add_authentication_token_to_users<br />

➥authentication_token:string<br />

rake db:migrate<br />

rake db:test:prepare<br />

The migration generator is smart here and will know to add the<br />

authentication_token to the users table based on the name you’re passing through.<br />

The additional argument on the end tells Rails what type of field you’d like this to be.<br />

With the migration created and run, you still need to add a callback to your User<br />

model, so that tokens are generated for users when they’re created, or for when users<br />

are updated but don’t have a token. 7 To do this, you’ll put this line in your User model:<br />

before_save :ensure_authentication_token<br />

7 A situation that is unlikely to happen (as you’ve got no serious users currently), but could potentially happen.

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