Australian Tales - Setis

Australian Tales - Setis

Australian Tales - Setis


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“Well, sir, we had come home from Jamaica, and were lying off the<br />

West India Docks, ready to go in the next tide. Gouge had been on shore<br />

for an hour or two that morning without leave; and when he came on<br />

board again, I could see he was half drunk. Knowing his foul tongue, I<br />

did not say anything to him, until I saw him take the axe on his shoulder<br />

and prepare to go up the main rigging; when, thinking it was unsafe for<br />

him to go aloft in liquor, I said to him, ‘What are you going aloft for,<br />

Chips?’<br />

“ ‘To knock the stun sail boom irons off the yard arm,’ said he, surlily.<br />

“ ‘You had better find a job on deck,’ said I, ‘for you are not fit to go<br />

aloft just now.’ With that he began to curse and swear like Satan himself,<br />

and vowed ‘he had not drank a sup that day.’<br />

“ ‘That's right, my man,’ said I, ‘out with all the dirty language that's<br />

fouling your heart; you will never be sweet till you get that nasty stuff<br />

out of your limbers. That's right, Chips, bouse it all out at once; it's<br />

horrible rubbish.’<br />

“At that he began to swear worse than ever, and up he went, in the<br />

spirit of defiance, on to the main yard, and began to knock the boom iron<br />

off the starboard yard arm. The iron was rusted on, and was rather hard<br />

to move, so Gouge kept striking with his axe, and cursing at every blow,<br />

on purpose to annoy me. I had logged down a few of his sayings, and<br />

intended to have had a reckoning with him the next day, when he was<br />

sober; but I was spared that duty in an awfully sudden manner. After<br />

many hard knocks Gouge had started the iron, and was slipping it over<br />

the end of the yard, when I called out to him, ‘Make a rope's end fast to<br />

that boom iron, Chips, or it will capsize you.’ Whether he understood my<br />

order or not I am not quite sure, but I heard him utter a fearful oath, and<br />

at the same time he slipped the iron off the yard, when its sudden weight<br />

overbalanced his tipsy brain, and down he fell like a shot seagull. The<br />

yards were braced sharp up, so he fell with his back across the poop rail.<br />

I heard the horrible crunching of his bones, then overboard he went, and<br />

the thick waters closed over his miserable body. Of course I gave the<br />

alarm, and all hands were aft in a minute, but it was impossible to save<br />

poor Gouge. A few bubbles rose to the surface of the turbid stream, and<br />

as I looked at them, I shudderingly wondered whether they were curses.<br />

A few days afterwards his body was picked up in the mud off<br />

Greenwich; and upon examination it was found that his back was broken.<br />

This was the wretched end of the poor swearing carpenter.”

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