Chapter 1 - Núria BONADA

Chapter 1 - Núria BONADA

Chapter 1 - Núria BONADA


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Regional amd local scale: convergences and divergences<br />

Jaccard coefficient was selected as a binary method to calculate distances between variables.<br />

This index is focused in checking similarities between variables, as double 0 are excluded. The<br />

statistical program used was the PCORD (McCune & Mefford, 1999).<br />

Differences and similarities between all reference sampling sites in med-regions<br />

Physical, chemical and structural features<br />

Once reference sites were established, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to<br />

check for differences in environmental variables measured. Prior to analysis, these variables<br />

were standardized, tested for autocorrelation with r-Pearson. Skewness values for each<br />

variable were also calculated to avoid variables that could bias the analysis (Legendre &<br />

Legendre, 1998). PCA is a multivariate ordination analysis based on the Euclidean distance<br />

that let to study relationship between objects (sites) and descriptors (variables) in a reduced<br />

space. The CANOCO Program vs.4 (ter Braak, 1998) was used to compute the analysis.<br />

Macroinvertebrate’s abundances<br />

Common taxa in all sampled regions were used to check for differences between the relative<br />

abundance between reference sites in the 4 sampled med-regions. Because in each med-region<br />

a different proportion of temporary sites respect permanents were sampled, only permanent<br />

sites were used to check similarities and differences in abundances. A non-parametric<br />

Kruskal-Wallis test was computed with a relative abundance (in %) data matrix and using<br />

sites in med-regions as replicates because its reference condition (Norris, 1995). Previously,<br />

data was tested to normality with the Shapiro-Wilk’s test (that have a good power properties<br />

compared with a wide range of alternative tests), and to homogeneity of variances with the<br />

Barlett’s test. The STATISTICA Program was used to perform the analysis (Stat Soft, 1999).<br />

Effect of temporality<br />

To test if differences between permanent and temporary sites were higher than between med-<br />

regions, a Bray-Curtis cluster with flexible clustering (β=-0.25) was performed using all<br />

common taxa. For each med-region, macroinvertebrate relative abundance matrix in<br />

permanent and temporary sites was compared using a MRPP analysis (Multi-response<br />

Permutation Procedures). This method is a nonparametric method for testing multivariate<br />

differences among pre-defined groups (permanent or temporary sites), providing the statistic A<br />

and a p-value obtained by permutation (999 runs) as result. Because its non-parametric<br />


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