Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses, Second ... - Ktooba.com

Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses, Second ... - Ktooba.com

Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses, Second ... - Ktooba.com


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4. If you knew the answer, would you tell us?<br />

5. If giraff es (la jirafa) didn’t have long necks (el cuello), they couldn’t eat leaves (la hoja).<br />

6. If it weren’t for gravity (la gravedad), we would fl oat (fl otar) like bubbles (la burbuja).<br />

7. The bears wouldn’t eat your food if you hung (colgar) it from a tree.<br />

8. If Pinocchio didn’t lie so much, people would believe him once in a while (de vez en cuando).<br />

9. If there were no cars, there wouldn’t be so much pollution (la contaminación).<br />

10. If he weren’t so lazy (perezoso), I’d hire (contratar) him.<br />

11. If it weren’t raining, we could take a walk in the park.<br />

12. If it weren’t so cold, I would ride my bicycle (ir en bicicleta) to work.<br />

13. This ring (el anillo) would be worth (valer) a lot more money if the diamond were genuine.<br />

14. If my car started (arrancar) in this weather, it would be a miracle (el milagro).<br />

15. If pigs could fl y, where would they go?<br />

“as if” and “as though” clauses<br />

Th e verb in a subordinate clause that begins with “as if ” or “as though” (<strong>com</strong>o si) is in the imperfect<br />

subjunctive. Th e main clause can be in the present, the past, or the conditional tense.<br />

Te ves <strong>com</strong>o si fueras culpable. You look as if you were guilty.<br />

Actuábamos <strong>com</strong>o si estuviéramos enfermos. We acted as if we were sick.<br />

Él se puso el sombrero <strong>com</strong>o si fuera el rey. He put on his hat as though he were the king.<br />

Hablaban <strong>com</strong>o si supieran todo. Th ey were talking as if they knew everything.<br />

238 practice makes perfect <strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>Verb</strong> <strong>Tenses</strong>

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