Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses, Second ... - Ktooba.com

Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses, Second ... - Ktooba.com

Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses, Second ... - Ktooba.com


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hand mano ( f.)<br />

(on the other) hand en cambio<br />

handkerchief pañuelo (m.)<br />

handsome guapo<br />

hang (up) colgar (o ue)<br />

happiness felicidad ( f.)<br />

happy feliz<br />

hard duro; difícil<br />

harp arpa ( f.)<br />

hat sombrero (m.)<br />

hate odiar<br />

hatred odio (m.)<br />

haunted embrujado<br />

have tener; haber (auxiliary)<br />

have something to do with tener que ver con<br />

have to (do something) tener que infinitive<br />

head cabeza ( f.)<br />

health salud ( f.)<br />

hear oír<br />

heart corazón (m.)<br />

heel tacón (m.); high heel tacón alto<br />

help ayuda ( f.)<br />

help ayudar<br />

here aquí<br />

hide esconder<br />

highway carretera ( f.), autopista ( f.)<br />

hinder impedir (e i)<br />

hire contratar, emplear<br />

hold contener<br />

Holland Holanda<br />

home hogar (m.)<br />

homicide homicidio (m.)<br />

honest honrado<br />

honeymoon luna ( f.) de miel<br />

hope (for) esperar<br />

horse caballo (m.)<br />

host anfi trión (m.)<br />

hotel hotel (m.)<br />

how? ¿cómo?<br />

how many? ¿cuántos?<br />

how much? ¿cuánto?<br />

human humano (m.)<br />

humid húmedo<br />

humor humor (m.)<br />

hunger hambre ( f.)<br />

(be) hungry tener hambre<br />

hunt cazar<br />

hurricane huracán (m.)<br />

(be in a) hurry tener prisa<br />

husband esposo (m.)<br />

i<br />

ice hielo (m.)<br />

ice cream helado (m.)<br />

idiocy idiotez ( f.)<br />

(be) ignorant of ignorar<br />

imagine imaginar(se)<br />

immerse sumergir<br />

impede impedir (e i)<br />

(be) important importar<br />

in case (of) en caso de que<br />

in fact de hecho<br />

in front enfrente; in front of enfrente de<br />

in the beginning al principio<br />

inch pulgada ( f.)<br />

include incluir<br />

increase aumentar<br />

induce inducir<br />

infl uence infl uir (en)<br />

information información ( f.)<br />

innocent inocente<br />

insane loco<br />

insert introducir<br />

inside adentro, dentro (de)<br />

insist insistir; insist on insistir en<br />

instead (of) en vez de<br />

institute instituir<br />

interest interés (m.)<br />

(be) interesting interesar<br />

introduce introducir, presentar<br />

introduction presentación ( f.)<br />

intruder intruso (m.)<br />

invest invertir (e ie)<br />

investigate investigar<br />

invitation invitación ( f.)<br />

invite invitar<br />

iron plancha ( f.)<br />

iron planchar<br />

item artículo (m.)<br />

j<br />

jail cárcel ( f.)<br />

January enero<br />

jewel joya ( f.)<br />

job trabajo (m.)<br />

joke broma ( f.)<br />

jump saltar<br />

jungle selva ( f.)<br />

junk trastos (m.)<br />

jury jurado (m.)<br />

just justo, sólo<br />

justify justifi car<br />

k<br />

keep a secret guardar un secreto<br />

key llave ( f.)<br />

kind tipo (m.)<br />

kindle encender (e ie)<br />

king rey (m.)<br />

kiss besar<br />

kitchen sink fregadero (m.) de cocina<br />

knee rodilla ( f.)<br />

kneel estar de rodillas<br />

knife cuchillo (m.)<br />

English-<strong>Spanish</strong> glossary 331

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