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you, so they in turn can stake their claim into legal aid system, knowing they‘re in for some easy money.<br />

[I‘d close down the majority of our Crown Courts and include them to exiting prisons, thus saving billions<br />

in rents, transportation costs and staff.] These foot soldiers are the ones who will willingly place a cable<br />

tow around your neck, pull the trigger on their gun, whilst splattering your brains and head wide open, fill<br />

rooms and chambers with women and small children, then slowly release cyanide or carbon monoxide<br />

through shafts and the air-vents, as they laugh and watch the bodies simply drop like flies.<br />

They‘re the ones who have and will drop thousands of bombs on millions of innocent people, - people<br />

who have done absolutely nothing against anyone or anything in this world, - and simply because they<br />

were following the orders of their so called superiors, - who in turn were taking theirs in return for honours<br />

to be rewarded, the very same groups of people who make up the world‘s illuminati cabals. Who in turn<br />

specifically handpick, groom and sponsor their own politicians and world leaders, - including many other<br />

sorts of individuals who are also allotted positions of immense influence and power, thus allowing them to<br />

be able to strategically place their financial banking terrorists and owners of the military industrial<br />

complex of companies, whom between them siphon off trillions of pounds, dollars and Euro‘s from the tax<br />

payers purse, - and the reason our world is periodically in recession and constantly at war.<br />

As isn‘t it funny how we‘ve been sold the idea, that many children are so unruly at school that exmilitary<br />

soldiers are being encouraged to join the education service on a fast-track hands-on qualification<br />

in teaching. Though it doesn‘t stop there, as the BBC‘s Panorama programme in February 2011showed,<br />

many of these same kids, whom the majority showed no signs of anger or unruliness, and were in fact it<br />

was quite the opposite, as many were timid and shy and praised the army and sea cadets they were now<br />

encouraged and recruited to join, of helping them come out of their shell and stand up for themselves, i.e.<br />

be more aggressive. And that‘s the truth of the matter, as these kids are being trained up as the next<br />

generation to lose their limbs, lives and families, whilst proudly showing their patches of reward and<br />

medals they were awarded fighting other kids in faraway places, - and who were wearing no more than a<br />

rag on their head and a pair of flip-flops as their only protection.<br />

And it is these kinds of people we need to expose, those groups of secret societies whom clearly share<br />

the same self-serving political agendas as each other, and whose tentacles are spread far and wide, - and as<br />

a direct result, the consequences have been, and still are having a devastating effect on the rest of mankind<br />

and has done so for thousands of years, [during the roaring 1920's they were big, as were they during the<br />

1930's, then went more underground following WWII, then remerged during the 1960's; alongside the<br />

"Love and Peace" movements, rock festivals and drug culture], - though it‘s never been quite as obvious as<br />

this last century, - and never as blatantly intense as it‘s become in the years between 2001 to 2010. Just<br />

watch this 2011 and beyond, see how more deliberately and unashamedly they will continue to<br />

subliminally reveal and expose themselves, - as believe it or not we too are being groomed and sucked into<br />

an inescapable vacuum that will lead us to major civil unrest and religious conflicts, thus accumulating to<br />

WWIII in the not too distant future, whilst in addition and in between this period of time we could likely<br />

see an increase in manmade introduced diseases and viruses, and as I said before even manmade floods,<br />

earthquakes or tsunami‘s, - that is of course unless we can help stop it!<br />

See, we‘re all the same to these ruling elite of morally redundant bastards, - from whatever country they<br />

may come from, or religion they‘re so-call proclaim to represent and believe in, it doesn‘t matter, as we‘re<br />

simply cannon fodder. Their so called own people, are forever being egged on to fight and kill each other<br />

in their divide and rule philosophy that works time and time again the world over. - Peace to them, - is as<br />

devastating as war is to us.<br />

When I refer to the Illuminati, I refer to those real true rulers of our planet, as to me there is no real<br />

difference between the occultist Black Noblite/Illuminati, than that of any other Freemason/Protestant,<br />

Jesuit/Catholic, Frankist/Zionist, Sufi/Islamic groups or fraternities and similar likewise organisations like<br />

those of the Greek system of the Alpha, Delta, Kappa collegiate fraternities, or members of the Rotarians,<br />

Odd Fellows and Shriners etc., as you‘ll soon find out there all basically the same and linked by one single<br />

thread, that joins them all up together like a patchwork quilt.<br />

So in order to make things easier to the reader and for me to write, - when I use the words Freemason,<br />

Masons, Masonic, Rotarian, or Alpha, Delta Kappa like people, then I‘m afraid to say, but I‘m putting<br />

them all in the same ―Illuminati‖ boat, - my use of those words also means I am describing, or referring to<br />

anyone of the latter named group of organisations or fraternities I have just mentioned.<br />

And if you want 99.09% proof how successful this Jacob Ladder carrot on stick syndrome truly works,<br />

then take this into consideration, - in excess of 3,000,000 other American people had and has access to the

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