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PURITY<br />

The Kflown<br />

The Natural<br />

Present<br />

The Living<br />

LIMlNALlTY<br />

OMENS<br />

117<br />

DA 'GER<br />

The Unkn.own<br />

The SupemalllrJl<br />

Future<br />

The Dead<br />

Spatialliminalily between "known space" (the community) and "unknown space" (outside<br />

the community), on the one hand, and omens bridging the present and the fUlure, or the<br />

natural and the supernatural, on the olher, yields a synthetic conception in which time,<br />

space and symbolic reaJity sland in a parallel relation (0 each other. One might posit the<br />

validity of this interpretive mcxJel across other expressive forms pertaining 10 dealh.<br />

The so-called fatalistic outlook of Newfoundlanders among olher maritime people<br />

supplies a rationale for the bridging of these different reality levels. The correlation of<br />

omens and tragic deaths in her Breton corpus makes Badone reOeet that omcns provide an<br />

explanation for thai which has none apparent. Where "the natural" comcs short of<br />

explanations, "the supernatural" is an unfailing resort. I found this view expressed by one<br />

of my Tilting informants questioned on the subject:<br />

RB: ... Omens? Everybody used to have that. Cenain persons, you'd<br />

hear knocks, they say, and Ihe next thing next morning then someone is<br />

dead. That used 10 happen all the time. l<br />

In reconciling apparent contradictions, such as death versus youth, good health and<br />

productive life, omens, in whatever fornl, conveniently restore confidence and belief in all<br />

ordered universe in which man merely achieves a predetermined destiny SCi by Ihe gods.2<br />

Badone's interpretation of the worldview underlying omen belief agrecs with Gillian<br />

Bennett's suggestion that the idea of dead relatives appearing to theirbwn expresses "a<br />

philosophy that sees creation as whole, ordered, hierarchical, hamloniolls and more than a<br />

lillIe magical."3<br />

IMUNFLA 87-1591CI0636.<br />

2Badone 10!.<br />

3Bennetl. Tradilions 80; a discussion and full quotation of this statement was given in 2.4.

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