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201<br />

Vatican Council II stressed the communal significance of the celebration of the Eucharist,<br />

which sacrifice is offered both for all living and dead, and emphasized the love and mercy<br />

of God. The lasting prevalence of masses offered for individual deceased along with<br />

various expressive behaviours observed in the course of my five·year experience as a<br />

member of different Catholic parishes in 51. John's suggests relative traditionalism in local<br />

Catholic worship.<br />

The increasing influence of the Church in the late Middle Ages gradually resulted in an<br />

eschatological reinterpretation of this world and the next; to tunnoil followed by rest were<br />

substituted the idea of a struggle between God and the devil. This conceptualization was<br />

obsclVcd in Conche,<br />

Their concept of the world and the afterlife was in tenns of God and the<br />

devil, good and evil, and white and black. 1<br />

but goes back a long way. Bennett affinns that belief in ghosts, even following the<br />

Reformation, not only survived in all religious groups, but received due recognition<br />

through dogmatic, if differing, definitions. For the Catholic Church ghosts served as<br />

evidence for purgatory, and Protestants redefined them in even less reassuring lemlS: they<br />

were not human souls but demons masquerading as such and sent by Satan to deceive. 2<br />

To this legacy would be owed all the Gothic horrors of the nineteenth century and our<br />

inbred fear of ghosts. Medals, which had to be worn especially when going OUI, assured<br />

casual protection against encounters of "evil spirits" or "lost souls," and prayer along with<br />

some religious symool placed where the thing had appeared laid it 10 resl.) Dr. Jones used<br />

to say this prayer afler mass:<br />

Blessed Michael, the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle<br />

Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil<br />

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,<br />

and do that, Prince of the heavenly host,<br />

Send Satan down to hell, and with him all the other wicked spirits who<br />

wander through the world seeking to ruin the souls? [interferenc;rl....4<br />

Ghostly disturbance was once taken for granted in Tilting, but in confidence of sure<br />

remedy:<br />

lCascy 97.<br />

2Scnnctl, "Ghosl" 7.<br />

3Cascy 266.<br />

4 MUN FLA 87 -159/C 12036.

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