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163<br />

denunciation and resolUlion. In recounting the difficulties and injustice of the protagonists'<br />

plight, tragic songs, local and traditional, recent and old, pay homage to true lovers,<br />

shipwreck victims, their rescuers and God himself, yet not without a hinl of protest againsl<br />

cruel parents, prOiesl in the name of widows and orphans, or warning against fatality_ Also<br />

in sea songs, antithetical resolutions are found in tenns of lucky rescue or loss of life.<br />

without vinual change either in structure or meaning. Love triumphs, here below or<br />

beyond Ihe grave, and whatever the trials endured, He, who rules the waves, hns all in<br />

hand. Local tragic song shares cerrain "ideas" with imponed ballad:<br />


innocent lovers<br />

young<br />

ploning pmentslfalse lover<br />

courageous opposition<br />

prefer death for love to life<br />

violent death (murder, suicide)<br />

reunion in life/death<br />

mourning of parents<br />

warning<br />


LOCAL<br />

unsuspecting men<br />

in their prime<br />

treacherous elements/fate<br />

courageous fight<br />

accept death on the job<br />

sudden death (accident)<br />

rescue/rest<br />

mourning of families<br />

warning<br />

This sketchy comparison between imported and local, "fictive" and "non·fictive" songs,<br />

reveals their equally "traditional" or conventional character. Like the protagonists of tragic<br />

ballads, the victims of local wreck songs are wrenched from life in their prime in an<br />

unyielding effon against stronger and treacherous opponents. Both die for a calise greater<br />

than life, survival, one set as prospective husbands and wives, the other as breadwinners to<br />

their families. Their deaths take emblematic or sacrificial value, yet the mesS

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