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223<br />

burying her husband and son, a deed for which the grateful spirits pay back his kindness:<br />

. Now that was the spirits of the two men that he just buried the night before, now they<br />

was going 10 help Jack out now...."1 The morality of Marchen is that of the egalitarian<br />

and self-supponing community_ Those failing to follow its values, such as of sharing,<br />

lose their accumulated possessions. a message which runs in "jocular" as well as "ordinary<br />

tales." The rich are shown to make their fortune on the poor, who, winy as much as Ihe<br />

others are stupid, get even with them by exploiting their credulousness:<br />

Well now they had to bury the old woman now. Well now them<br />

times, see, they buried them, if it was a rich man they had 10 put so much<br />

money in along with them, see, for to bury them 'cause they claimed if<br />

they didn't. well they, they'd get up again....2<br />

In local Miirchen as in legends of the. good supernatural, it is only the innocent dead<br />

who come back; the others. even when murdered by the hand of those whom Ihey<br />

lonnemcd, are dead and gone. Jack, slarved by his employer and the laller's mother, kills<br />

her in his absence and successively offers to "bury her richer" afler digging her up--wilh<br />

Ihe money-- and putting up her corpse in places to frighlen her son. The money Ihus<br />

acquired serves to restore a just balance: It••• I've made a poor man of your brother and<br />

I'm going to make a rich man of you. I'm going 10 leave you, you can have allihe money.<br />

I'm going to leave you and get some money for meself. ..."3<br />

Jack is on the road again, and the tale takes a new stan borrowing much of its laller<br />

half from the previous type. He comes to a haunled and therefore deserted place, sees an<br />

"old man" coming through a door while earing his supper, and answers his question afler<br />

Jack has volunteered help:<br />

... I'll talk to you now, he said, that's the three men killed me. lie said,<br />

that's the three men killed me, now they come in here tonight, they would<br />

have killed you, Ihey would have killed you, Ihat's what they come for.<br />

And now, he said, Jack, I got a big chest of money in this house and<br />

there's nobody knows where it's to. He said, there's nobody can find ii,<br />

he said, 'cause you're the only man could stop here. He said, everyone<br />

have been here. Well, they've all leaved....4<br />

I MUNFLA 65·12/C214, p. 3 (AT 5068).<br />

2MUNFLA 71·50/C968·9 (AT 1536A)/(AT 326·).<br />

3MUNFLA 71-50/C968-9 (AT 1536A)/(AT 326·).<br />

4MUNFLA 71·50/C968-9 (AT 1536A)/(AT 326·).

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