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were pursued by his policy. Sigefroi could not obtain BOOK i.<br />

his friendship, or rather his forbearance, except on<br />

condition that the refugee Saxons, Frizons, Soarbes,<br />

and his suc-<br />

&c., should be expelled from Denmark, 1<br />

cessor Godfrey found it necessary to conclude a treaty<br />

binding himself to drive out of his states the Pagans<br />

who had sought an asylum there. 8<br />

Thus compelled to seek other homes, these infuri-<br />

ated Pagans, or, as De Mezeray writes, "The banished<br />

and their descendants, burning with a cruel desire to<br />

avenge their gods and their liberty, made continual<br />

sorties, and principally exercised their rage on the<br />

priests and on the monks who had destroyed their<br />

CnAP- T<br />

temples and their superstitions." 3<br />

The Danes, who saw with uneasiness the progres- The Danes<br />

**<br />

sive conquests of Charlemagne, quickly imbibed the ?nJTof the<br />

feelings of their homeless kinsmen, and in A.D. 800 /Infest Infest th the coasts<br />

they dared to infest the coasts of France."4<br />

1 Pontanus. Her. Danic, p. 90. des Danois ou Nonnands ; de-<br />

2 Hist, de Charl., vol. ii., p. 273.- marcheimportante, premiere epoque<br />

3 " L'Idolatrie, &c., &c., etant d'une grande revolution dans<br />

vivement pressee par les armes des 1'Europe. Ce fut cette alliance de<br />

Francois, elle s'etait jettee au-dela Vitikind avec Sigefroi, ce furent<br />

de 1'Elbe et en Danemarc comme ses continuelles instigations qui at-<br />

en son dernier fort, d'ou ces ban- tirerent sur les cotes de la France<br />

nis et leurs descendants brulant ces Normands,"<br />

Sailing ofJ rmnce> A>D-<br />

&c. Hist, de<br />

d'un cruel desir de venger leurs Charlemagne par Gaillard, Paris,<br />

Dieux et leur liberte, faisoient de 1782, vol. ii., p. 231.<br />

continuelles sorties et exer

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