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BOOK i. of Aulaf and Ivar, for A. D. 870 or 871 terminated the<br />

career of Aula He was slain in battle, and Ivar,<br />

AuUf and ivar who succeeded him as King of Dublin, did not long<br />

872.<br />

871 ' ld<br />

survive, the record of his death in the Annals of<br />

Ulster being that " Imhar, King of the Norsemen of<br />

Ireland and Britain, died,"<br />

A.D. 872. 1<br />

Proofs that That Ivar, King of the Scandinavians of Dublin,<br />

u bria and and Ivar, King of the Danes of Northumbria, was the<br />

were the same, same individual is here clearly stated ; but fortunately<br />

our evidence of the fact is not confined to Irish<br />

annals. Irish annals are here confirmed by one of<br />

the oldest and most important of the English chron-<br />

icles ;<br />

for it must be admitted that the chronological<br />

difference of one or two years between the chronology<br />

of different English historians is so general that it<br />

may pass unnoticed when the facts agree, 2 and here<br />

Ethelward, after stating that King Edmund was de-<br />

feated and slain by the Danes in A.D. 870, 3 adds that,<br />

although "the barbarians gained the victory they<br />

soon afterwards lost their king, for King Ivar died<br />

the same year," not in battle, but from old age or dis-<br />

ease, as stated in the Icelandic saga and Irish history. 4<br />

1 Laudnam. says, he was slain in Osten or Eystein, Aulafs son, as<br />

battle in Ireland. On the contrary, the Norsemen never called the son<br />

Pinkerton Enquiry, vol. i., p. 495, by the father's name. Ann. Ult.,<br />

and Innes Apx. iii. Chron. Pict. 872. Ann. 4 Mast., 871. Ann.<br />

say "Tertio iterum anno Amlieb Innisf., 873.<br />

trahens cetum (exercitum) a Con- 2 " During long periods of years<br />

stantino occisus est." This would the northern (English chronicles)<br />

place his death in Scotland in 868, differ from those of the south and<br />

and consequently inconsistent with west two whole years." Codex<br />

the statement of his return to Dublin Dip. Sax., Ixxxv.<br />

in 870, but would be consistent 8 Ethelwerd's Chronicle, Mon.<br />

with the statement of the Annals Britt., p. 513.<br />

of Inniifallen, that it was Aulaf,<br />

*<br />

Langebek, vol. ii., p. 281, Ivar<br />

junior, who returned with Ivar, "in Anglia scnex obiit." Three<br />

Aulaf being doubtless a mistake for Fragments, p. 199, "The King of

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