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BOOK ii. to the chronicle of Wales, the pagans " devastated<br />

Llanbadarn, Menevia, Llanilltut," &C., 1<br />

having pre-<br />

viously (that is, in 986) visited the Isle of Man, when<br />

"the battle of Manann was fought by Mac Aralt<br />

and the foreigners." 2<br />

s. of For later events we are generally referred to the<br />

D.iocc. " Chronicle of Man," an authority which cannot bo<br />

implicitly relied on, either for facts or dates. This<br />

chronicle, which commences A.D. 1000, contains<br />

nothing relating to the island until A.D. 1065, when<br />

it states, that " Godred Crovan, son of Harald the<br />

Black of Ysland (Ireland), fled to Godred, the son of<br />

Sytric, at that time King of Man," 3 and after his death<br />

Godred Crovan is said to have conquered Man, and<br />

His apocryphal in A.D. 1066 (=1075), to have "reduced Dublin, and a<br />

DuSmTand great part of Laynester." 4 Godred Crovan probably<br />

ter*<br />

was son of Reginald (whose son was elected King of<br />

the Galls in A.D. 1046), 5 as many of the Scandina-<br />

vians of Ireland had been at the battle of Stamford-<br />

bridge with Earl Tostig and King Harald Hardraad,<br />

in A.D. 1066 6<br />

or whatever<br />

; but whoever he was,<br />

conquests he may have made elsewhere,<br />

there is no<br />

allusion in Irish annals, or contemporary history, to<br />

any conquest of Dublin, or of any portion of Leinster.<br />

intermarriages When the Ostmen of Dublin were converted to<br />

inshTiTiith Christianity, their intermarriages<br />

with the Irish<br />

became so frequent, and the morality of the period<br />

was so lax, in repudiation, divorces, and marriage of<br />

1 Chron. Princes of Wales, 987. Antiq. Celto-Norm., Copenhagen,<br />

Ann. Ulst., 986 in Ann. 4 1786.<br />

Mast., vol. ii., p. 720, n. n .<br />

* Camden's Britt., vol. iii.,p. 705.<br />

8 One copy was published, Cam- 6 Ann. 4 Mast., A.D. 1046.<br />

den, 1607, another by Johnstone, Anglo-Saxon Chron., A.I). 1066,

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