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states that, in 874, Ivar's ally, Cearbhall, was BOOK i.<br />

King of Dublin, 1<br />

where, possibly, he ruled from 872<br />

CHAP ' Iv<br />

until his death in<br />

2<br />

S85, as during that period no<br />

Scandinavian king of Dublin is named in Irish annals<br />

or elsewhere, and his rank as a sovereign is manifest<br />

from the fact, that with the exception of Maelsech-<br />

lainn, King of Ireland, Cearbhall is the only Irish<br />

king named in the Welsh annals throughout the<br />

ninth century. 3<br />

When Halfdene apportioned Northumbria, Ivar's<br />

111 -n i i -ii-i<br />

sons probably went to r ranee, wmcn previously had<br />

been invaded by their uncle, Biorn Ironsides, and France?<br />

which was then a field of plunder for the Northmen.<br />

There is no trace of them in Ireland or England<br />

between the years 872 and 885, nor do the meagre<br />

details of French chronicles afford much assistance<br />

in tracing them among chiefs of the same name in<br />

France during this period. We infer, however, that<br />

. the brothers, Godfrey and Sitric, 4 who plundered<br />

5<br />

France in 88 1, and who are called "sons of Regnar<br />

Lodbrog," were the sons of Ivar, and grandsons of<br />

Regnar, 6<br />

Regnar not having any son named Godfrey.<br />

1 Landnamabok, p. 4. " Kiarva- Godafrid, and Ivar." Langeb,<br />

lus Dublin! in Hibernia," &c. Lan- vol. ii., p. 17.. Ann. Esromenses<br />

gebek, vol. ii., p. 32, " Dublini in Langebek, vol. i , p. 230.<br />

Irlandia Kiarfalus," &c.<br />

5 Ann. Bartholin. A.D. 881.<br />

2 Ann. 4 Mast, place Cearbhall's<br />

6<br />

Langebek, vol. ii., p. 29.<br />

death 885. Fragmentum vetus Islandicum, and<br />

8 Ann. CambriaB, 887. " Cerball Pet. Olai Excerpt. Normannica et<br />

defunctui est." Chron. P. of Danica. Ibid., p. 11. Sigefray or<br />

Wales, 887 Maelsechlainn died Sitric could not have been Sitric<br />

887. Anguioculus, the son of Regnar<br />

4 This Godfrey was slain 885, Lodbrog, as we have his history in<br />

and Sitric left France. But in A. D. various sagas and chronicles. They<br />

888, the Emperor Arnulf fought were the sons of Ivar, and grand-<br />

against the brothers, " Sigafrid, sons of Regnar.

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