Billy Bunter's Benefit By Frank Richards - Friardale

Billy Bunter's Benefit By Frank Richards - Friardale

Billy Bunter's Benefit By Frank Richards - Friardale


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<strong>Billy</strong> Bunter’s <strong>Benefit</strong><br />

<strong>By</strong> <strong>Frank</strong> <strong>Richards</strong><br />

down the Remove. Now he was spending money right and left with an<br />

extravagance the wealthy Bounder himself could hardly have equalled.<br />

“Well,” said Bob Cherry. “This beats the band! Bunter was stony this<br />

morning—now he’s blued about a pound in five minutes! I suppose he hasn’t<br />

been holding up a bank!”<br />

“Perhapsfully his esteemed and ridiculous postal-order has come!” grinned<br />

Hurree Jamset Ram Singh.<br />

“Well, wonders will never cease—so perhaps it has!” said Bob. “But it<br />

wouldn’t run to that, Inky.”<br />

The Co. were really feeling a little concerned. Even if <strong>Billy</strong> Bunter’s<br />

celebrated postal-order, so long expected, had arrived at last, it seemed<br />

improbable that it would stand such a strain as this.<br />

In fact, they could not help thinking that Bunter, carried away by the<br />

inner Bunter as it were, was rather recklessly out-running the constable.<br />

And if a fellow who fed expensively at the Courtfield bun-shop failed to<br />

pay up after the feed, the consequences were likely to be dire.”<br />

“Time we got a move on,” said Harry. And the Famous Five, having settled<br />

their modest bill, went to the bikes stacked against the tree.<br />

Bob Cherry stopped at Bunter’s table. It seemed to him that, if the fat<br />

Owl was exceeding his resources in the Gargantuan feed, a tip in time<br />

might be useful.<br />

“Hallo, hallo, hallo!”<br />

“Ooooh!” Bunter was taking a large bite out of a fat jam-tart. He gave a<br />

jump as that familiar hail fell on his fat ears, and some of the jam went<br />

down the wrong way. “Ooogh! Grooogh!”<br />

“Enjoying life, old fat man?” grinned Bob.<br />

“Urrggh! You silly ass—making a fellow jump!” gurgled Bunter. “Wurrggh.”<br />

“Hadn’t you better go easy, old porpoise?” asked Bob. “You’re running up a<br />

tremendous bill, you know.”<br />

“Wurrrggh!”<br />

“It must be over a quid already. Hadn’t you better count your wealth<br />

before you go any further?”<br />

“Oooooh!”<br />

“A stitch in time saves a cracked pitcher from going longest to the well,<br />

as the English proverb remarks, my esteemed Bunter,” remarked Hurree<br />

Jamset Ram Singh, “and it is no use locking the stable door after too<br />

many cooks have spoiled the broth.”<br />

“Grooogh!”<br />

<strong>Billy</strong> Bunter coughed, and gurgled, and cleared his fat neck. Then he<br />

turned his spectacles on the Co. with a withering blink.<br />

“You fellows can clear off,” he snorted. “You wouldn’t lend me a bob this<br />

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