Telemetry Module MT-102 User's Manual - BlueNote Communications

Telemetry Module MT-102 User's Manual - BlueNote Communications

Telemetry Module MT-102 User's Manual - BlueNote Communications


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Function - Defines address of first register mapped from peripheral Slave<br />

device.<br />

Data type - number<br />

Range - 0…65535<br />

Default value - 0<br />

Comments - n/a<br /> Mapped space size<br />

Function - Defines the size of register space necessary for reading mapped<br />

space from peripheral Slave device.<br />

Data type - number<br />

Range - 1…2040<br />

Default value - 1<br />

Comments - for register space, value of this variable defines size of mapped<br />

space in Registers while for bitmapped in bits. Bits from mapped<br />

space are placed on consecutive bits in registers (starting from<br />

least significant).<br />

So, in module in one registers 16 bits are stored.<br />

Typical layout of mapped bit space:<br />

Address of mapped space module: 64<br />

Address of mapped space SLAVE: 3<br />

Size of mapped space: 20<br /> Mapped space read interval<br />

Function - Defines (in seconds) read interval of peripheral Slave device for<br />

update.<br />

Data type - number<br />

Range - 0…65535 [s]<br />

Default value - 1 [s]<br />

Comments - value 0 (zero) forces max. possible frequency of updating. It<br />

depends on speed of PORT2 along with size and number of defined<br />

mapped spaces.<br /> Address of mapped space in module<br />

Function - defines start address of internal register in the module, used for<br />

mapping space from the Slave. For mapping space Internal<br />

registers are always used.<br />

Data type - number<br />

Range - 0…999<br />

Default value - 1<br />

Comments - n/a<br />


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