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• a cup of white beans contain 0.5 ounces of protein,0.03 ounces of fat and 1 cup of chickpeas<br />

contain 0.5 ounces of protein, 0.1 ounces of fats. Beans and vegetables are recommended<br />

by doctors. They have a rich protein and fiber content. The mediterranean diet was proven<br />

healthy by its high chickpea intake.<br />

• 1 ounce of ham contains 0.3 ounces of protein and 0.4 ounces of fat. The Atkins diet allows<br />

the consumption of ham for weight lose, but it’s rich In saturated fats, contains too many<br />

preservatives and can impair kidney function.<br />

• 1 ounce of boneless chicken contains 0.3 ounces of protein and 0.08 ounces of fat.<br />

• 1 egg without the yoke contains 0.2 ounces of protein and 0.08 ounces of fat. Eggs are often<br />

forbidden because of their high cholesterol content and of the risk of inducing heart attacks.<br />

Happily if you remove the yoke they’re no longer a threat.<br />

• 1 ounce of mutton contains 0.2 ounces of protein and 0.2 ounces of fat<br />

• 1 ounce of pork contain 0.2 ounces of protein and 0.1 ounces of fat.<br />

• 1 ounce of red meat contains 0.2 ounces of protein and 0.1 ounces of fat<br />

• 1 piece of skimmed cheese contains 0.2 ounces of protein and 0.2 ounces of fat<br />

• 1 cup of almond contain 0.2 ounces of protein and 0.4 ounces of fats<br />

• 1 ounce of salmon contains 0.2 ounces of protein and 0.1 ounces of fat<br />

Meats in your Diet<br />

run fast enough, swim fast enough or jump high enough to feed our families without weapons.<br />

After the recent invention of weapons (15,000 years ago) humans have developed a sense to eat<br />

meat. Humans got exercise hunting. Humans have developed a carnivore taste, with an herbivore<br />

body. So we have become Omnivores. No human can live healthy on just dead animal flesh.<br />

The Price Pottinger Institute of San Diego is designed to show the power of the work of these<br />

two men. Their genius work goes unheralded today. Dr Price showed that degenerative disease is<br />

relatively unknown in societies where they do not have dextrose sugar and cooking. The Eskimos<br />

of the north have no dental problems of degenerative disease till cooking and dextrose sugar<br />

are put into their diet. Several other societies were also found to have similar results. Cooking<br />

and dextrose sugar mark the beginning of degenerative disease. The famous Pottinger cat study<br />

showed this. Please review.<br />

Humans were once complete herbivores. All Animals need amino acids to survive. Amino acids<br />

can be found in plants, but for humans no one plant provides all of the amino acids we need. So<br />

we must use a variety of plants and to be a complete vegetarian it takes skill to mix plants to get<br />

the amino acids. Humans had evolved to wander from bush to bush. Then humans developed<br />

hunting tools and learned to eat fresh meat. But degenerative disease comes in with the invention<br />

of fire and cooking.<br />

Cooking meats makes carcinogens. Open flame char broiling the worst. When we burn anything<br />

carcinogens are formed. Burnt compounds are carcinogenic whether they are inhaled into the<br />

lungs like smoke, or on a food taken into the digestive tract. If it is burnt don’t eat it. Cooking<br />

destroys the good fatty acids, the enzymes, and the vitamins. The more cooked the less nutrition,<br />

the more disease.<br />

Humans have an oral teeth design of an herbivore. The TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) of the<br />

jaw is designed for plants and chewing, just like a cow. Carnivore teeth and jaw are for ripping and<br />

swallowing quickly. We are designed to chew.<br />

Humans have a digestive tract equivalent to the gorilla (an herbivore). Carnivores have short<br />

sixteen foot long digestive tract to dissolve the meat. Herbivores have longer tracts over 25 feet<br />

long, like the human. Longer tract is designed for the vegetables. Humans have an herbivore<br />

digestive tract.<br />

Humans have an herbivore set of legs. If we had to catch an animal for lunch with just our bodies<br />

we would mostly starve. Before tools were invented our ancestors had to eat plants. We cannot<br />

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